Noisy Gas Boiler - Any Suggestions


Registered User
Hi there,

Just moved into our new house this weekend (built circa '98) and all is well apart from this morning when we had set the heat to come on at 6pm to heat the water etc. It's a gas fired system.

The boiler is really noisy and to be honest, it woke me up. You can hear it throughout the house. It stops every now and again and then cranks up again. It sounds oike a small outboard motor on a boat! (slight exaggeration)

I assume this would either be the motor or the pump. According to the records, the boiler was serviced in February but I need to do something about this.

If it was either of the above, is it just a case of replacing that particular part or would I have to replace the whole boiler? Would it have anything to do with air in the system or something like that? Could it also have anything to do with the water pressure in the system?

Any advice/suggestions would be appreciated.
Lettermac - is it noisy right after you switch it on .. or does it run for a while, get noisy and then stop ... then does the same again ?

I had something similar (runnign for a while then making noise) with mine and found that the reason was that the thermostat was set too high (or had become miscalibrated over time) so it was over-heating the water in the boiler, basically boiling it ... thus releasing air bubbles which got into the pump and made an awful racket.

Turning down the thermostat worked fine for me ... it seems okay now and doesn't make such noise - the boiler is on the replacement list alright .. but it's fine for now.

There are more knowledgeable guys on this topic who post here who can I'm sure tell you better than I can but the above solved the problem for me.