Noisy Dog = No sleep. Help!


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Just moved into a terraced house with a nice little back garden. All was well until I discovered the neighbour's dog was a constant barker, who barks away until 2.30am at the shadows. They don't seem too bothered.
Will he grow out of it?
The dog is apparently a puppy, but what can I do!
No options are ruled out! But obviously, I've only just moved in, so murdering the neighbours dog could have longer term consequences for neighbourly relations!
Are their any solutions! I've tried ear plugs but he has some piercing yelp!
Has anyone, successfully resolved a similar situation?

need sleep.....
Dogs should not be left outside at night and he/she is obviously lonely especially if its a pup.

This key post has some advice on noise pollution etc.
Try diplomacy first and if that doesn't work you can always go down [broken link removed].
Had a similar problem with my own dog, I resolved it by throwing a saucepan of water over him 2-3 times over 2 nights - he got the message.
what constitutes excessive or nuisance barking? I am in a similar position. Can anyone relate a case firsthand where the District Court quantified the statement in the ac of "it appears that a nuisance has been created as a result of excessive barking by a dog"
You can try to buy one of those small ultrasound appliances (can be found in Roches in Dublin, for instance) which are specifically aimed at stopping dogs from barking. They are completely harmless, but when you press a button they emit specific sounds that can only be heard by dogs - they annoy them, but they don't harm them at all. There are some that you can get the dog to wear (I don't think your neighbours would approve, though), and others that are free standing and that have a button you have to press. I think the dearest were around 50 quid. Worth a shot, I think. Otherwise, industrial strength ear-plugs....
Thanks for the advice all.
Might try your idea first Newhouse
and then go with Dacman's cold water over the wall! I'll have to do it quickley and leg it as i'm sure it will make a noise! Good thing is, I heard the neighbour on the other side screaming at the dog yesterday, so i wouldn't be chief suspect if i had to go soaking the pup! I might even approach him, and we could do a classic pincer movement from each side on alternative nights thus reducing the risk!
I don't feel bad about it, as i had already been seriously considering more extreme options and had bought my Korean cookbook already.

Someone in work (a person more animal loving than I) said that if you complain to the ISPCA, they will come around and inspect the dog and can ultimatley apply to have it taken away if its not being looked after. That probably wouldn't make me neighbour of the month though.
We had a dog with similar problem (he didn't grow out of it I'm afraid) and we had to keep him inside at night. We got one of those noise things to keep him quiet during the day though and its not inaudible, it makes a kind of shrill sound when its activated by the dog barking which is quite annoying in itself, unless there is a better variety on the market now.

To avoid rocking boat with neighbour you could slip an annonymous note into their letterbox saying the dog wardens will be contacted asap if barking doesn't stop and you could suggest some solutions in case they don't have the resources to come up with them themselves e.g. keep dog in at night, get training (you could give them some contact names which I'm sure someone on these boards could suggest), get dog a friend to keep him company! From our experience though dogs bark incessantly when they're unhappy.

To keep the letter annonymous you could start off with "do you own the dog thats been barking at night" to imply that you live somewhere other than next door so can't be sure which house dog lives in!!! Better not be seen dropping letter in then though!
we have a barker who is tied up outside whenever neighbours go to work. he constantly barks until they come home. granted never at night. still on a day off it does my head in as he never stops, he is also a puppy
Toby said:
We had a dog with similar problem (he didn't grow out of it I'm afraid) and we had to keep him inside at night. We got one of those noise things to keep him quiet during the day though and its not inaudible, it makes a kind of shrill sound when its activated by the dog barking which is quite annoying in itself, unless there is a better variety on the market now.

To avoid rocking boat with neighbour you could slip an annonymous note into their letterbox saying the dog wardens will be contacted asap if barking doesn't stop and you could suggest some solutions in case they don't have the resources to come up with them themselves e.g. keep dog in at night, get training (you could give them some contact names which I'm sure someone on these boards could suggest), get dog a friend to keep him company! From our experience though dogs bark incessantly when they're unhappy.

To keep the letter annonymous you could start off with "do you own the dog thats been barking at night" to imply that you live somewhere other than next door so can't be sure which house dog lives in!!! Better not be seen dropping letter in then though!

Could they report an anonymous letter to the cops and have them trace it via fingerprints etc to possible sendees???
Could they report an anonymous letter to the cops and have them trace it via fingerprints etc to possible sendees???

Why would the gardai be interested in this? It's not illegal to send an anonymous letter (unless of course the letter is threatening something illegal).

The gardai wouldn't even fingerprint my car when it was broken into.
any chance of finding out their phone number - fixed or mobile, via directory enquiries, and giving them a ring when their dog is barking. You'd need to block your phone number and put on your best Inspector Clueso voice - 'vous 'ave a probleme vit yer dorg' , so they don't recognise your voice
If they report he calls as a 'nuisance' to Gardai, then your phone number is easily traced!
umop3p!sdn said:
The gardai wouldn't even fingerprint my car when it was broken into.
Oh dear!! :(

I think an anoymous note might be best, send it in the post if you don't want to be seen. I live beside a big dog who spends most of his miserable life locked up in 6 / 7 square meters from where he gets out for an hour or two a day, if he's lucky...its crap, often feel like hammering on door and appealing to them to look after its happiness more and shouting at them over the miserable noise it makes. I'd send a note myself but the guy is a cop :( :(

Unless the dog is being badly treated, the DSPCA won't do anything...laws here are very lax. :(

Why do people get dogs they don't want????
Any anonymous letter would justifiably be thrown in the bin. If you have a legitimate concern, go talk to them or take it up with the authorities.
It must be obvious that the first step before any of the aforementioned actions should be to go & talk to the neighbour. Only then take plan B etc.