Noisy children

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Hi all,

I need to rant and I also need advice if anyone has any.

Our family of three, including a 2 year old child own a semi-d in a 'nice' area. There are 13 houses on our cul-de-sac and six of them have children aged between 8 and 14. Our house is sort of half way down the street at the end of which is a very nice and huge park with payground and all kinds of sports grounds in it.

Over the last five evenings, the boys on the street, aged 10-12 have been bringing out a basketball hoop onto the street and playing basketball at the end of our driveway which is also about 3 meters from our young child's bedroom. The first night, I went out at 8.30-ish pm and asked them calmly to move away as out 2yr old was trying to go to sleep. They went away for 5 minutes and came back.

On the second night, they did the same and I went out again and explained that our child goes to bed at 8pm and pleaded with one of the boys who has a sibling of the same age teling him that he should know how upset and cranky young children get when they are tired and can't sleep. They went into the house next door (semi-d) and were howling and causing all kinds of racket until around 10.30pm. I texted the parents and asked them to ask the boys to keep it down as our 2yr old was woken up and is really upset. I got a reply to say that the boys are over-excited.

The following night, they were back at it again and when we asked them to move, we were told that it isn't our road and they can do as they please.

On the fourth night, we parked our cars on street in order to reduce the amount of space they had for basketball and hoping that they'd get the message and move away. Reinforcements from neighbouring roads came in and there were about 15 children with 15 balls on about 2 meters (with of the road), bouncing balls of our cars. We called the gardai and they came along 20 minutes later.

It's needles to say that the gardai were practically useless as they kept saying that children are children and they have the right to play and if they weren't intentionally damaging our property there is nothing they can do. They did go to talk to two of the parents though but came back with the same 'children are children',...

We have written to one of the parents who is also our road's representative to the Resident Association asking him to deal with this. We have pointed out that we have as much right to live in our home peacefully as children have to play and that IF we are the only residents bothered by the noise, it should be easy to move play elsewhere and resolve the issue. I am not sure how this is going to work out because we weren't home yesterday evening and I dread going home this evening and having to put up with this kind of bullying. Those children look into our living room window to see if we are there and then congregate just to be a nuisance.

Before anyone asks, we haven't fallen out with any of our neighbours, we mind our own business and are not in anyone's way. There are no noisy parties or a lot of guest ' traffic' in our house.

I just don't understand how can parents allow this, knowing that it's upsetting somebody.

Thanks for reading and does anyone have any advice?
Get out your hose and wash your is no fun when the ground is wet
Where do you want the children to play? I think you're over reacting myself, it is the first bit of decent weather the children will have had all summer.

Your initial reaction has made you a target I'd say, as for calling the Garda that's a total waste of resources and writing to other parents, could you not just call into them? Writing to me seems to indicate the wish to keep a record and escalating matters.

Could your child move in a back bedroom?
Get out your hose and wash your is no fun when the ground is wet

Didn't think of that! I can do even better and bring out my powerwasher. Thanks!

No offense but I think that your comment is a close representative of parent's attitude. The reason why our child can't move into a back bedroom is the same as why we can't watch TV or read in our utility room instead of our living room. They can play wherever they like as long as they are not a nuisance to anyone. There are other families very with young children and retired couples living on our street. As I have mentioned, there is a huge park 30 meters down the road and IF we are the only ones bothered, there should be no problem in them congregating in front of any other house.
Where do you want the children to play? I think you're over reacting myself, it is the first bit of decent weather the children will have had all summer.
I think you're missing a major piece of info.
Our house is sort of half way down the street at the end of which is a very nice and huge park with payground and all kinds of sports grounds in it.
Playground is probably locked up by 8pm
I know closing times vary during the year with daylight but the council staff won't be around that late

They play outside your house Yachtie as their parents warned them off playing outside their own.

Keep on top of that head of the residents committee, they can get this sorted.
Gardaí are a waste of time and will only escalate it unnecessarily

You have your neighbours mobile number, that's good as it shows you have some sort of relationship with them and can work with them.
I'd say most people don't even know their neighbours names
Thanks for your replies Pique and mimiclo!

This is so upsetting, we are reluctant to be seen anywhere in the front of our house as that only brings more children and more noise. I guenuinely feel like we are being bullied in our own home. Why should we live in our house with curtains drawn on bright sunny evenings or be made to go out and just wander around in order to avoid torment by a bunch of 10 year olds???
Why aren't they playing down the end of the cul de sac anyway?

If they have one hoop and want to make a half court they should be down there with the boundaries, not halfway up the road with you
Would the child in the house not hear it too though?

It's fine for a shop and adult workers but it might upset the young one in the house
Why aren't they playing down the end of the cul de sac anyway?

If they have one hoop and want to make a half court they should be down there with the boundaries, not halfway up the road with you

Exactly BUT it they went to the end of the road (where it is also twice as wide to form a turning circle) they wouldn't be bothering anyone!

Something to consider perhaps?

The other thing I would do is to identify who owns the basketball hoop and speak to their parents.

I have contacted a security company which supplies those only ten minutes ago. Will have a quick chat with my husband this evening, work out what circle it would cover and order.

'Those' (the hoop owner) parents are the ones who don't want the racket in front of their front window as they have another child the same age as our boy.
Yachtie I feel sorry for you having to put up with this. I blame the parents of these children who should be able to speak and explain to them that they're upsetting your little child at bed time. The fact they have plenty more space to play on and insist at being near your house is very annoying. It also sounds like they're just being plain brazen about it the fact its continuing. I would feel the same if I was in your shoes and I would feel bad if I thought any of my children were acting like that and upsetting somebody. Its really hard to know what to do the fact that their parents wont take it on board.
Hi all,
"The following night, they were back at it again and when we asked them to move, we were told that it isn't our road and they can do as they please."

You need to try and identify which children belong to which family, and 'pick them off' one by one. Surely not all the parents have a couldn't-care-less attitude. Try to work out which parents will be receptive and approach them, so at least you can break up the group one by one.

"We have written to one of the parents who is also our road's representative to the Resident Association asking him to deal with this."

Go and knock on this person's door this evening and ask them to come round for a cup of tea and a chat. Involve him/her in the problem and in finding the solution.

"I just don't understand how can parents allow this, knowing that it's upsetting somebody."

You're right, this is a parent issue. If a reasonable tone with the kids doesn't work, go to the parents. Don't slide into a situation where the kids perceive you as The Grumpy Neighbour or they will start to goad you. This evening, or next evening it happens, one of you stay home with the toddler, and the other go and knock on a few doors. Kids suddenly get quite nervy if they see that it's their parents being chatted to.

Best of luck to you. Some day your child will be out shooting hoops on the street, so don't forget to take the long view! Keep the peace, but let the grown-ups know that it's taking its toll on the toddler.
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Would the child in the house not hear it too though?

It's fine for a shop and adult workers but it might upset the young one in the house

I have asked the question and was told that it is very directional. Household model covers the area of about 10-12 meters of open space at 60 degrees angle but does not penetrate through walls or windows. The company which supplies those devices assured me that it would have no effect on our child as he would be behind it or on other children in their houses since the sound doesn't penetrate through the walls and windows.

It seems to cost in the range of €400 but it might be a bargain if it will preserve our mental health.

Have your husband pick up the hoop and carry it down to this wide area or to their house so
But do it in a nice way, sorry lads, we'll move this on for you, here follow me, lots of room, here you go

Repeat as necessary over the next few days

As you say, they are up near you as their parents don't want to deal with the racket.

They would be brazen if they carried it back up to you
Yachtie, you probably brought much of this on yourself - kids will be kids. Writing to parents is quite a formal (and bringing residents association into the picture just as bad) procedure when you could just have knocked on the door and talked with them. We were all young once and probably played ball on the road also along with chasing games etc. Personally, I would rather see kids play ball games than be stuck behind some cretinous computer game.

Perhaps I am not being fair to you as all we have are the facts laid out above. My tuppencehalpennyh worth is that you live in a built up area and others have rights also. If you want total privacy then move to the sticks.

Please, no offence meant to anybody.
Yachtie did mention she texted the parents. The fact the boys said to her it was'nt her road and they could do as they please sound like something a parent may have said to them. With that kind of reaction its hard to get places. It would be great if the problem could be solved in a nice neighbourly way for all concerned.
Stop the clocks. Children are trying to sleep. I sometimes wonder how young children in war zones get to sleep. Be grateful that they are playing and not involved in other anti social behaviour. Sounds like a great neighbourhood for your kids to be growing up in. If they are annoying you that much, TALK to the parents. Are other neighbours annoyed? Get them to talk to the parents as well. Forget texting. You are an adult.

+1 Texts can be read and re-read.
I cannot believe all of the negative attitude towards Yachtie. Everyone is entitled to peace in their own home.
We have had trouble with footballs in our street which is a small cu-de-sac. I called them across and explained the damage that a ball does when it glances of the paint of a car (it causes multi scratches), and to go and play beside their parent’s cars. Since then some of the other neighbours have complained as well.
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