Noise from 24 Hour garage


Registered User
My house is directly opposite a garage which, when I bought the house used to close at 10 o'Clock at night and re open at 8 in the morning and we never had any problems with it.

This garage was bought out a few years ago and is now 24 hours and driving me insane!!
Somehow we missed the planning permission sign for the 24 hour opening and didnt object.

Anyway, the noise at night time is dreadful with cars hooting and slamming doors all night, screaching brakes, shouting and roaring from the people using it who often stop off in minibuses to buy stuff from the shop. At weekend people seem to gather there after the pubs and the talking and shouting can go on until 5 in the morning.

Last year residents got together and complained and with the help of a local politician we picketed the garage but somehow could not get them to stop opening 24 hours.

We live in a cul de sac across from the garage so its only the residents of this cul de sac that are affected by the noise as on one side of the garage its the church and school, behind it is the shops and on the other side a large green. Residents in the other estates think its great to have a 24 hour garage so will not support any action we tried to take.

We have complained several times to the manager and went to the area manager too but the only thing they did was to put up signs saying not to make noise.

Does anyone know if we could complain to anyone about the noise. I know you can report a dog barking or a pub making noise as you can object to their licence but is there anywhere that deals with noise coming from a commercial premises?

If I dont get an unbroken nights sleep soon I am going to lose it
Not much of a politician if this is all they can do to help.

This happened to some people that I know and as far as I can recall they only got a result by contacting the owners of the garage and in this case it was one of the large oil companies. They had to arrange meetings between the company and the residents and come to a compromise. This entailed the garage opening for petrol only, after 10 and before 8.

Have you tried talking to your local county council or community garda. If they can't help they should be able to give you some advice as to how to take it further.

Don't forget about all the talk of an election.