Noise disturbance.


Registered User
My parents live next door to a pub, in a small village, and on Sunday evening the pub had a band sitting outside at the boundary wall blaring away for 3 hours. Drums, electric guitars, speakers, the works. I live half a mile away and could hear it perfectly whether I wanted to or not! Thankfully on the night my dad was working a night shift and my mam was out visiting but if they had been at home they wouldnt have heard themselves think with the racket. Does anybody know if the pub is allowed to have a band playing in their back yard or is there a special licence needed for such an outdoor event? They have tried complaining to the landlord in the past but it's falling on deaf ears.
If the pub applies for special exemption orders to stay open late, your parents could object to the granting of these. Alternatively you could contact the noise polllution officer in the local council to investigate.
The music started at 7 and went on for about 3 hours so staying open late wasn't the issue. My parents used to own the pub and the new owners may misread any complaints as sour grapes. I've contacted the local council who say its a civil matter but they're going to call me back on the licencing issue.