Noel Dempsey and safehtee


Registered User
Did any notice Noel Dempsey's continual pronounciation of the word "safety" as "safehtee" on the news last night? Nearly as annoying as Matt Cooper's continual mispronounciation of "BUPA" as "BEWPA".....
It's up there with Ve-he-cal instead of vehicle and pacifically instead of specifically.
The use of English by our public figures is bleedin’ atrocious. To quote Bertie (out of context), “I never thought it would have came to this”.
ClubMan said:
Yes - he should resign immediately.
By those standards there wouldn't be much of a front bench left, or a Dail for that matter.
Its as bad as the strong Dublin accent that ignores all "r" letters...

"ToeKey" = Turkey
"Wok" = Work
"Cheese Boega" = Cheese Burger

In true Dublinese, my father used to pronounce "scarf" as "scaf". It used to drive me mental but now that he's dead it seems as trivial and irrelevant as it should have been to me at the time.
ClubMan said:
In true Dublinese, my father used to pronounce "scarf" as "scaf". It used to drive me mental but now that he's dead it seems as trivial and irrelevant as it should have been to me at the time.
So you are becoming less opinionated as you get less thing that we have in common.
But loike the goy is loike a total bogger so loike what can you loike expect from him ?
I mean loike those culchie types loike totally mangle the English language.

Loike totally.
What about Matt Coopers "Sa-her-day" for Saturday. Its like his granny from Offaly thought him just that one word.

Being a complete mucksavage I used to get slagged in England for:

"fil-um" = film
"turd" = third (and I'm not the worst for dis, dat etc. etc.)

On a slight different note, can yer one Marion McKeown, the New York correspondent to Last Word not say anything without laughing her way through it. They should give her the death notices for the craic to see if that'll cure her
Art said:
Did any notice Noel Dempsey's continual pronounciation of the word "safety" as "safehtee" on the news last night? Nearly as annoying as Matt Cooper's continual mispronounciation of "BUPA" as "BEWPA".....
The 'safehtee' pronounciation seems to be widespread in the construction industry. I heard one of the HSA senior bods doing exactly the same. I don't think it's a geographic issue.