Noam Chomsky interview on RTE


Registered User
In case anyone is interested thought I'd post this. According to Village magazine, Prime Time will be broadcasting an interview with Noam Chomsky on Thursday evening 19th January. Apparently an embargo has been placed on other media interviews until after the RTE broadcast which seems a bit strange. As an outspoken critic of George Bush's War on Terror and those who support him, it will be interesting to see how much latitude will be allowed in the interview.

From Village
Chomsky was last year voted the world's greatest intellectual in a British magazine poll.
There is an extended interview with him on Dunphy (Newstalk 106) tomorrow morning.
harza said:
There is an extended interview with him on Dunphy (Newstalk 106) tomorrow morning.

Well, Ian Dempsey will have one extra listener tomorrow - me.

Eamon Dunphy fawning over his trophy guest - eh, no thanks.
Vincent Browne explained on his radio show last night that Dennis O'Brien is the main sponsor of the trip and that his radio station Newstalk had the exclusive rights to live interviews. RTE's "PrimeTime", he explained, had negotiated a pre recorded interview with NC.
Eamoan isn't breaking the embargo. Seems there is a deal - while Chomsky is not being paid a fee for his visit, the costs of the trip are being covered by Amnesty, "with Newstalk putting up some of the money". The whole thing seems rather exclusive to me. Although a member for years, I only managed to get one ticket which was requested last October or November.

From Village
While denying an exclusivity deal, Amnesty confirmed to Village that106's interview on the Eamonn Dunphy show would be the only radio interview Chomsky would be giving during his visit. All other interviews were being turned down due to time constraints.......

No media passes are being given out for the lecture at the RDS and no recording or filming is being permitted, because Amnesty is filming the event itself, but said it did not know yet what it would do with the film subsequently.

I see Ajapale has explained the Dennis O'Brien (Newstalk) connection. Interesting. Could this be an extension of the reported antipathy between Dennis and Sir Tony O'Reilly, given Dennis's recent 3% investment in Independent News and Media?

PS Can't see that the costs for a short visit could be that much and would be interested to know (how?) if O'Brien has made a donation to Amnesty. If not then a rather inexpensive scoop for Newstalk.
A bit late now but NewsTalk yesterday reported that there was a free first come first served appearance by NC in UCD yesterday.

Go to the [broken link removed] and follow the Podcasting link.

They have details of how to get the podcast (5 files) of the TCD lecture, and also the interview with Eamon Dunphy.

You could download the MP3 files directly using the detail in the XML file, or subscribe using iTunes, Juice, etc.
Or just right-click/'save target as' the following links:

[broken link removed]
[broken link removed]
[broken link removed]
[broken link removed]
[broken link removed]

and if you want Eamo's lucid interjections :rolleyes: :
[broken link removed]
Do they cut all Eamo's comments out so that you don't have to download them by default? That's a great idea! :D
Funnily enough, the mp3 of the interview with Eamo does seem to be 'edited' slightly — but not that way!
I thought I had made a copy CD of Professor Chomskey's lecture in RDS (copied to hard drive from NewsTalk link) and then onto the CD. It will play on my computer but not on a CD Player. I'm not very well up on this and wonder is there any way to do this? Needless to say it is only for my own use so any advice would be much appreciated.

I was very impressed by his lecture though not especially by some of the questions! The Prime Time interview by Mark Little was quite hard hitting (I thought) and with the contribution by that retired army man, ?Col. Horgan, left one with little doubt about our role in supporting the US/UK enterprise. The Q is, where do we go now, is there anything one can do to convey one's lack of support for this ongoing war? That is, apart from joining the protest marches on 18th and 19th March.

I don't know how crucial U.S. investment here is to our economy and wonder does self interest supercede our stated neutrality - understandable as it may be - but is that a good enough reason? I don't think many would continue to support a friend if that person's behaviour is shown to be morally reprehensible.
sherib said:
I thought I had made a copy CD of Professor Chomskey's lecture in RDS (copied to hard drive from NewsTalk link) and then onto the CD. It will play on my computer but not on a CD Player.
Is the CD player old? Some older models have problems with CD-R[W] media and there's nothing you can do about it other than buy a new player.
Thanks for reply ClubMan. The CD Player isn't old - it's a Sony 3:1 only a couple of years old. I thought it might have something to do with the format - the format copied was MP3 from the link.

Copying an original CD has worked in the past but I haven't ever copied anything from a radio broadcast. Have you or anyone else been able to make a copy of the interview from the link that's playable on a CD Player? If I have to give up on it so be it but I really would like to listen to it without being glued to the computer! Is there any way around it?
You'll probably need to convert the mp3 to standard CD format which is .aif, I believe, if your CD player doesn't play mp3 disks.
sherib said:
Thanks for reply ClubMan. The CD Player isn't old - it's a Sony 3:1 only a couple of years old. I thought it might have something to do with the format - the format copied was MP3 from the link.
Oops - sorry. I missed the obvious. Presumably it plays on the PC OK because the PC runs some software that can play the MP3 file. However your CD player is unlikely to have MP3 playback capabilities built in. So your CD player may be able to read the CD-R[W] after all but simply can't understand the content. To play it back on your CD player you would need to convert the MP3 file to some other format like WAV or CDA (may be the same thing - don't know offhand) using a software utility and then record that to a CD-R[W]. There are usually free/open source software utilities to do this sort of stuff as well as commercial packages. Hope that makes some sense to you!

Post crossed with previous one.
sherib, three possible solutions, in order of simplicity:

(1) If you have a CD burner, presumably the software that came with it — Roxio/Adaptec, Sonic, Nero etc. — has an option to create audio/music CDs, as opposed to a data CD? (which is what you've made by just copying over the .mp3 files) Usually the 'wizard' will say something about a CD 'that can be played back on most home/car stereos'...

(2) If not, the latest version 10 of Windows Media Player will do the job— but you need Windows XP for that.

(3) Alternatively, there are lots of free utilities [broken link removed] that should do the job. I can recommend the free version of [broken link removed].
iTunes will do this for you too. If you have a mac you probably have it already, but there's a windows version too, also free, from here
Thanks to everyone for their help - managed to make a playable CD using Musicmatch Jutebox having failed using other methods. Tried converting MP3 to .aif and that didn't work and thought I'd have to buy a converter program. Tried also with latest Windows Media Player and that failed also (have XP Pro).

It seems that Musicmatch did the converting itself without any input from me but I don't understand why the others failed. Does anyone know what format/s are playable on a CD Player? For future reference, did Musicmatch automatically do a conversion? Anyway, very pleased and thanks again:)

Follow up - my mistake saying Windows Media Player wouldn't make a playable CD. It works fine - found all media types weren't ticked in Tools. When that was done, it worked perfectly. So,thanks once again, Dr M. I'm too lazy to learn properly, just do trial and error.

Four of the Newstalk links to the lecture wouldn't fit on a previously used CDRW, so part one needed an edit to delete the preamble. Found a nice piece of software (free for 14 days and fully functionable unlike others) which was dead simple to use and allowed deletion of five minutes. For the non-experts like me out there, here's the link to RipEditBurn download plus a simple tutorial for beginners.

[broken link removed]