No Wireless connection in Ubuntu



Hi all,I have a medion laptop with XP,Vista and now have instaled ubuntu Hardy Heron.It has a Ralink 2860 internal wireless card which is not working with ubuntu.I downloaded Linux drivers from the Ralink website but thats as far as I got.Its a tar.bz2 file and I haven't a clue what to do next.I've spent hours trawling through forum after forum maybe someone could give me a hand.
Thanks for the link Clubman but I haven't a clue what any of those guys are on about!! Maybe someone has a steb by step approach.
What precisely do you not understand in that thread?

I had terrible trouble getting wireless network access working with Ubuntu. Perhaps your card is similar to my original one in that it's not easily or at all supported by drivers etc.?
So you have the driver in a tar.bz2 file stored on your pc? This seems to be commonly called a tarball, so what you want to do is install a tarball. A tarball is a ubuntu version of a .zip file (if that helps)

There may be instructions in the tarball, if you open a file manager and double-click on the file you downloaded you should be able to see the contents.

There are two basic sorts of tarballs - one containing source code, the other with binary files. What you have to do next depends on which one you have!

This page and some of the links from it may help? (If that isn't you the noob!):

Once you have the driver uncompressed from the tarball, you need to put it somewhere... and that is where I hope there are instructions in the tarball!