No VAT on 7dayshop shipments ?


Registered User
I need to get some toners and I see from the 7dayshop website - [broken link removed] - that they don't charge VAT on shipments under £18.

Is this something new ? Does it mean you have to declare and pay the VAT on receipt or what ?

Otherwise, apart from the 'normal' savings buying through the UK, you also save having to pay 21% Irish VAT.

See [broken link removed]:
Because 7dayshop are in Guernsey, there's no VAT - a saving they can pass on in the case of items worth less than £18/€22...
Ah, shucks, I shoulda answered the other thread first! Anyway, I stand corrected:
If the delivery address for your order is in the United Kingdom, all prices shown are FULLY INCLUSIVE of UK VAT where applicable and all goods are in FREE CIRCULATION within the EU.
— or at least partially? Is it not the case that if VAT has been paid on goods ordered from within the EU, the only further take should be (where applicable) the difference between the prevailing VAT rate on said goods within each of the member countries...?

Yours in pedantry,
An Dochtúir M, Uas.
The Channel Islands are not part of the UK or the EU. As such goods shipped from Guernsey originate from outside the EU and [broken link removed] applies: