No sound from YouTube


Registered User
Hi All,

Hope someone may have come across this problem before. I'm unable to hear sound on any YouTube clips on my laptop. I can hear any other music I have on the laptop fine and all other normal system sounds can be heard fine. The issue is only with YouTube. I have the latest Flash update on the laptop but still nothing. Would anyone know is there any quick fix for this issue?
Youtube has its own volume control and mute button that is controlled from just under the video screen, could that require adjusting?
No, I checked this already, nothing is muted and volume is up to the last.
Thanks for the reply though.
Is your laptop sound working? from windows / Music CD? Are all clips from youtube not playing sound ?
Yep, laptop sound working fine on everything else including music cd.
Just no sound from any clips on YouTube.
I have the same problem. With a lot of IT in my background, I've tried all the obvious cures (I've even RTFM). But, still no sound. I'm on a laptop with Windows 7. I did have sound on youtube once but it's gone now. I've uninstalled flashplayer, reinstalled it and done all the usual stuff - still no sound. Perfect sound on music, Skype and any other media requiring sound, just youtube doesn't work. What's happening with youtube?
Get the latest graphics drivers for your machine. I had this problem with a green screen on youtube, but had sound, new drivers fixed it, also no sound but had video on youtube, new drivers fixed it.

you'll probably have either Nvidia or ATI graphics processors go to or