no sign of transfer of ownership



Hey Folks

Looking for advice, especially from those in the game.

We bought a car back in April, got it check out, all seemed fine, only unusual item on the report is the car wasn't taxed since August 08 and the garage hadn't transfered it into their name. It's an 05 and the mileage was low but I got the garage to sign a delcaration satting it was in good condition, with no know issues and the mileage was accurate at the time of sale. Also as they didn't have a copy of the registration document I included a point saying that on receipt of the monies they would agree to transfer ownership of the vehicle to us.

We've now been waiting 3 months for the car to be signed over but no joy. He said he's sent the request for a replacement cert twice but I've been onto Shannon and Dub city council and both are saying no documentation has been recieved and the car is still in the previous owners name.

The garage has now stopped answering emails and phone calls. I'm seriously thinking about sending a formal letter via a solicitor threating to return the car and request a full refund, I know that seems harsh but I want to have something so if we get stopped for no tax we can show we have done all we can. Also given we can't tax the car by rights it shouldn't be on the road and it's therefore "legally" useless to us.

Needless to say of course they aren't SIMI reg'd, so it's the NCA who said I have a case but we should try to do it through shannon ourselves, the difficulty is Shannon says they need the details of the original owner as confirmation, and around and round we go!

Any advice much appreciated
Technically the car is not insured. You are not the registered owner and therefore have no insurable interest in the vehicle.

As you cannot register your ownership and regularise the insurance situation, you need to do something, and do it very fast.
Technically the car is not insured. You are not the registered owner and therefore have no insurable interest in the vehicle.

Have checked with the insurance company, it's not an issue, the policy has been taken out on that vehicle by us so therefore the policy will pay out and cover to the policy owner.

Thanks for the post though!
You can't insure a car you don't own so how are you covered?

If that logic applied no one would be insured for the 3 weeks it normally takes to transfer the registration.

Transferring the registration and owning are different things. You own the car, it's just not registered to you.