No more home loans for First Time Buyers?


Registered User
Hi All,

In yesterday's Sunday Tribune there was an article about a Mortgage Brokers meeting that took place last week, the underlying message of the article was that the traditional First Time Buyer Mortgage Providers - EBS,PTSB and First Active are no longer loaning to First Time Buyers, is there any element of truth in this notion?
Are 92% mortgages still the norm?
they are still loaning to FTBs, you will just find that the ratio of deposit to loan has changed hugely. You'll be lucky to get a 90% loan now.

Not a bad thing overall
From today's Irish Times

Who is giving out 92% these days MrMan?
Esb still give 92%, infact they only dropped to 92 from 95 about 5 weeks ago.
But this is if you go direct to ebs , it may be different through a broker.
From today's Irish Times

Who is giving out 92% these days MrMan?

These restrictions apply to Buy To Let properties.

For owner occupiers, plenty of lenders still offer 92% for house purchases - AIB, ICS, Bank of Ireland, Permanent TSB, EBS, National Irish Bank, IIB Homeloans...there may be more I'm not thinking of.
From today's Irish Times

Who is giving out 92% these days MrMan?

I would hope that Liams list gives you an indication that there are actually banks out there (most of them) willing to lend to people up to 92% to buy their homes.