No credit card

Perhaps off-topic but Paddy Power no longer allow top-up via credit card making impulse gambling a little harder. Not sure how it is for other online bookmakers.

Seems to be driven by UK regulatory changes.
5k - That must be some hotel.!!

Odd that they would not take the 3k as deposit and then charge you the balance though.
I would challenge that myself if in that situation.
Pre-auth transactions run like that regularly. Even buying Petrol I see it.
I have a joint credit card with my wife. Nearly all transactions go through the card, so the bill is around 3~4k per month. It is automatically paid from our joint current account each month. We get cash back so it actually makes us money, albeit a very small amount, think 20€ per month.
However, it is very handy as it insures any purchases, and if something happens it is easy to lock the card, or get a refund from a retailer. With the itemised statement and App, it is easy to track spending. I'm lucky as neither of us are impulse spenders, so that issue doesn't arise.

It might seem a lot per month, but I mean all purchases go through card. Think groceries, petrol, eating out, esb, oil, car insurance, house insurance, Christmas gifts, holidays etc. It's amazing that there always is at least one big ticket item each month.

It also doesn't leave our debit card, with it's access to our current account, open for fraud etc.

We both also have personal Revolut accounts (personal as it's in our own names, we share all finances so there is no hidden expenditure etc.) I use the one-time Revolut virtual card for any websites where I'm in any way worried about hacking etc. Also handy as a backup on holidays is something happens to the credit card where it is either locked (don't ask!) or stolen.

We have debit cards on our current account but they are rarely used, maybe once a year.
Out of interest, which credit card company gives cash back? I thought there were no companies giving this at the moment.
Out of interest, which credit card company gives cash back? I thought there were no companies giving this at the moment.
It is an old AIB Platinum credit card. I have had it for around 25 years. I don't think they are still doing them. Another reason not to get rid of it I suppose.
Pre-authorization for hotel bookings, Amazon etc. seems to work well with debit cards, never had a problem. Refunds also seem to work well. I think car hire might be the only area where (sometimes) a credit card is essential. So if you don't hire cars & don't need the (very expensive) credit line probably best to get rid of the credit card.
I cancelled my card last year when moving from KBC (or rather didn't bother requesting to incl in the transition) as I rarely used it and didn't want to have to keep paying the stamp duty on it. I have a main bricks and mortar bank visa debit, plus a Revolut debit card where the main exp are managed, so not benefiting from any rewards on the cc.

The emergency use option is probably the main benefit for me to hold one now but this can be managed with a cash buffer anyway, I hadn't thought about car hire tho.

I just got an email from Aer Lingus offering a new card which will generate avios points (can be converted for flights). I must check the best buys and compare and think about whether I should maintain one going fwd.