No B/Day presents but donate to my charity - Ideas ?


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I am arranging a birthday dinner party in a function room for family, friends & business colleagues. Presents are not being accepted but instead we are going to ask for donations from the guests towards the birthday girl's favourite cancer charity. Would prefer not to pressurise anybody & keep donations anonimous but would also like to maximise the amount raised.
Intention is to make intention clear on the invitations & maybe just pass the hat around the tables but perhaps there is a better way?
Any tips or advice would be welcome.
At least give people envelopes so there is no visual indication of what they give. That gets rid of the pressure on people to be seen to give a large amount.

Don't forget, the aim is to raise money for charity, so whether someone gives €10 or €100 the charity is still better off. If someone is seen giving 'only' €10 then they might feel a little uncomfortable. Having the money in envelopes gets rid of that issue.

Yes, - send teh envelope with the invite so people can put hthe money in beforehand rather than in front of other guests.. You know what people are like.. :)
Have had something similar 'sprung' on me before at a function - but was relieved to be provided with envelopes.

It was all very discreet and matter of fact.
....envelopes as above and you can also put deatils of the charity at the botton of the invite. The charity will write to her and advise "j. Bloggs" has made a donation on her behalf. Some charities can facilitate on-line donations, so get those details on the invite also!

However, just be aware that some people aren't too keen on this idea. Only 2 couples took us up on this idea for our wedding (so we got the usual collection of toasters and glasses as we didn't have a list).

She may have a close connection with the charity which hopefully will ensure people will dig deep! Oh yeah....have some spare envelopes on the night.

Hope you all have a great night and raise loads!
Suggest you have additional envelopes available at the function - it might surprise you to see that some people may "forget" to bring the envelope. You could insert a phrase on the invitation something like "..... would really appreciate a donation to (charity) and enclose an envelope for your convenience. Additional envelopes will also be available on the night."