Nissan Qashqai+2


Registered User
Hi there,
Has anyone been able to find any definate info on this appearing in Irish salesrooms, particularly on pricing? It could be a while off but I'm trying to decide on whether to lumber along with our car for few years until these are available as used cars or change sooner if the wait would be too long/expensive.
I've heard there are waiting lists already?? Also, can anyone advise on any other 'crossover' type vehicles out in the next year or so?

Thanks in advance,m.
If you need information on a new car like the Qashqai + 2 visit

Here is a road test on the existing Qashqai.

As you can see the car gets a good review

[broken link removed]

I think the Qashqai is listed in the low carbon emmissions guide of their new digimag. It's free to read.

[broken link removed]

You can also try these options

Go to the distributors website.

The only trouble is that you are not really going to get an unbiased view on a new car from the people who are trying to sell it to you.

The Qashqai has proven itself as a very popular choice so far. will give you a manufacturers brochure.

This will give you a list of technical specifications of any new car.

I'm sure that technical specifications are not really at the top of your list though.

All the same why look at a manufacturers brochure when you can get a test drive.

Good luck with whatever you choose to do.
Excellent thanks, that's a good list of places to start- really appreciate.
Only technicalities that really matter to me are fuel efficiency and safety so guess I'll start there, cheers again