Nissan Primera battery/alarm problem


Registered User
Long story short:-

Flew into (completely) dead car in airport car park. Repair man gained access through a little keyhole, I think, designed for the purpose of getting access to the car when battery is dead - anyway, the alarm went off but fell silent after two rings as the guy jumpt-started my car.

All was well - we got home ok. Car starts after stopping but .. but ... but the alarm isn';t working i.e. I can't lock the car!

Doors close, car starts but I can't lock it and I've only on-street parking!
I would suspect that you need to re-match your fob(s) to your alarm.

If you have the user manual I'm sure this will step you through the process.
Thanks Sammya - does this work if there's only one key, i.e. the key itself is used in the ignition but it has two buttons on it (open and close) ?

(I don't have a separate fob for the alarm)
Hi Sammya - initially I couldn't get it sorted so I took the trip down to my locla Nissan dealership asking them to fix it but muttering darkly, that I wouldn't be paying much if they just inserted the key into the iginition and turned it a few times (as the link posted above suggests).

Lo and behold, thats what he did and it worked this time ! He only charged me a fiver with some of his own dark mutterings re trusting the internet. I promised him return business for honesty/fairness so he was happy enough in the end.
Hi Setana12,
Where is this little key hole? My Primera's battery is dead and I can't open the car.
I had this problem with my Nissan Primera so, Setanta12, it could reoccur. Went through the same problem as you describe until eventually it wouldn't start at all. Tried local garages but could do nothing for me. Had to hire a recovery truck to bring to nearest main Nissan dealer 20 miles away. They spent 3 hours doing something with the key and charged me €180. Three months later problem reoccurs. Had to go through same process again- but this time they said they had to instal some chip in key which cost me €380. Am always worried the problem will come back. Luckily it happened on the previous two occasions outside my front door. Like you I have just one key. Enquired about getting a second key but was quoted an astronomical fee.
PJGriffin, re hole for opening door, I think it is either on driver or passenger door, not sure which. There is a small piece on the door handle which can be removed with something like a screwdriver.
PJGriffin, re hole for opening door, I think it is either on driver or passenger door, not sure which. There is a small piece on the door handle which can be removed with something like a screwdriver.

Thanks oldtimer, found it. I was able to replace the battery and didn't have to reprogram the fob.