Nissan Pathfinder - Clutch defect?


Registered User
Anyone got a Nissan Pathfinder? I've just bought one and whilst I'm very happy with it (particularly off road) a neighbour of mine has been telling me how the vehicle has a flaw which can cause the clutch to fail at as little as 25k. He works for a cable TV outfit that run 9 Navaras and tells me that one of them has gone through 3 clutches in 12 months.

I've confronted the Nissan dealer who tells me that there is no known fault and that the cable company has been overloading their vehicles hence the clutch problems.

Now a friend-of-a-friend who works for Nissan in another dealership in another city tells me that the clutch is weak and to expect problems with the brake discs too!

I'm not overly worried as I've put down a marker with the dealer and took a friend with me to hear the conversation. Just sold a VW Golf with 280k on the clock and the original clutch so I'm resonably confident that my driving style is not going to cause a fault. My Nissan has 8k up in 4 weeks so I guess if I'm going to have problems I'm going to have soon.

Thoughts/experiences anyone?