NIB's Offset Mortgage screw-ups


Registered User
Has anyone else been having fun and games with NIB? We have had an offset mortgage with them for a year now and in that time:

1. They forgot to offset our savings against the mortgage from the beginning! As this should be calculated daily, poor Doreen at the bank had to go back and recalculate how much interest we earned every day for 8 months! We didn't notice because we never got a statement! Doreen put the interest into our current account instead of our mortgage account which was wrong - so I was asked politely to move it back where it belonged. Hmm.

2. A new account appeared in our internet banking which didn't belong to us! I called the bank and asked them about it but they were adamant that the €250 in there must belong to us! I waited a few weeks and transferred the money into one of our own accounts just to see if anyone cared- a few days later I got a call asking me to put it back! So I did - but the account is still visible to us and I could move it back out again if I wanted to! WTF!

3. They sent us a statement in January saying we had earned zero interest on our savings to offset against the mortgage. This was followed by an apology, and a correct statement.

4. Today I recieved February's statement with zero interest. I presume next week I'll recieve another apology and a correct statement.

Is anyone else out there having these surreal banking experiences - or are they just picking on me?! I know they're in flux at the moment but they're surely just making it harder for themselves to attract new customers!
We deal with them for a mortgage and while I have always found them very pleasant and personable and easy to deal with they do seem to have some bizare methods of doing things...well to us they seem bizare as we haven't encountered them with other banks we deal with.
We began drawing down our mortgage for our self build in JAnaury and got a statement in early February which seemed to show we had paid our monthly instalment for January so we said fine.
Then got a phonecall to ask us for January and Februarys payment as we hadn't paid.
Our standing order had never been set up.
This staement was for a holding account into which the money is put initially and then sent to the mortgage account.
Didn't seem to make any sense that you should have two acounts and the money should have to be transferred twice, once from our account to this holding account and then from there two days later to the moprtgage account. But apparently that is the way they do things.
Had to go in in person to pay off the first two months repayments, here's hoping the March payment will run smoothly.
I had a car loan with NIB a few years backa dn I could never make head nor tail of the statements they sent me.
NIB's screw-ups

Ye'd better get onto IFSRA and ask them to ensure that NIB produce clear, concise and accurate statements for their customers and not release complex products that their own computer systems cannot understand. The statement should be understandable even if it is only sent out once a year , although it surely should be more often than that with an offset product . If they are planning on expanding (and they are big time ) with a systems shambles like that they will implode under the customer service load, a bit like BT Irelands Billing department have done Maybe an email to head office in Denmark would help as well as contacting IFSRA . Computers and banks go back years. NIB have no excuse for a malfunctioning system .