NIB rejected application for switching...

It's poor form that they didn't explain it to you.

Reducing the term to 23 years increases the monthly repayment so maybe they figured that the new repayments, combined with the short-term loan repayments pushed you over their affordability limits. Without knowing your income, it's hard to say.

Were all your repayments (on both the NIB loan andyour existing mortgage) paid bang on time?
I guess I know now why it took them over a month to even get back to us.

In my experience with NIB both personal and in dealing with clients who were switching to them NIB are very very slow with their paperwork,regardless of whether they accept or reject you. I ended up not switching for unrelated reasons but when I do switch I would be reluctant to deal with NIB again and will probably look at next best institution(rate wise) instead which for me last year would have been AIB who are a pleasure to deal with at the legal end.
Just to let you know, guys, the mortage consultant refuses outright to either meet me or speak to me, unreal.

Forget about the mortgage guy imo - insist on talking to the manager and if you get no satisfaction vote with your feet!
Forget about the mortgage guy imo - insist on talking to the manager and if you get no satisfaction vote with your feet!

Given that the application has been turned down, voting with feet is not going to be hugely effective and it would be useful to know why the application was refused before trying elsewhere.

I'd go with the manager option.
Hi Tarquin

I'd definitely go with demovire's suggestion and speak straight with manager. He/she "should" have a better overview of your position (considering your savings accounts) and be more likely to be courteous if nothing else. If these "customer orientated" people are refusing to even give you a valid explanation, I'd definitely vote with feet regarding the business you are already doing with them. Very odd behaviour imo - but as I spend more time dealing with banks, the less surprises me!

Good luck
Just to throw in a quick question and for those without substantial accounts . If the manager does not 'have' to talk to you, a request under the data protection act for copy of all their records, may also answer the question. I know it is also possible to request copies of CCTV footage and phone recording under the act, but is it be also possible to get copies of internal phone calls and emails were employees may have discussing you?
Under the Data Protection Act, you can get lots of data- i know a friend applied to a big bank and they gave it all for free, even waiving the nominal fee. After seeing what she retrieved, i would easily say it cost them a few hundred to collate/ compile the info, etc
Thanks guys, thats very interesting and very helpful, will keep in mind should I need to do so with NIB.

I've been following this thread and noticed that you have now edited out your posts, any particular reason for this??
