This is my first post. We just decided to see if we can do anything about our mortgage sneaking up with the recent and impending rate increases.
The current value of our home is
€490,000, much to our utter amazement - we bought it at €260,000 just 3 years ago - that's a 46.94% increase! We haven't had it valued, but a neighbour's identical house round the corner just sold this week for €495,000 and it didn't have the kitchen extension ours has.
Outstanding on our mortgage is
€160,000, with 22 years remaining, currently on variable rate of 4.6% (4.7% APR) with PTSB. Current monthly payment is €920 or so.
Current ECB is 4.25, if I understand correctly?
As I read it, NIB would offer us ECB + 0.5% (4.75%) on my outstanding €160,000.
I saw an ad in a local paper last night for Liberty Mortgage Company, whose advertised rates seemed really good. It was actually my web searching for info on that which brought me here. Their ad says that monthly repayments on €150,000 over 20 years would be €866.
I'm guessing I'm like average Joe - life is busy and maths is boring, so how do I know what's best?
NIB's deal seems like a better deal overall, but the thing is, we also have a €20,000, 20-year BOI home improvement loan with monthly repayments of €190 or so AND a €9,000, 5-year BOI car loan with monthly repayments of €140 or so and we would love to consolidate all this. But a couple of posts here seem to suggest that NIB won't facilitate this?
I haven't been able to contact the NIB special number - work phone won't let me diall it.
Thanks for any advice or comments.