NIB Laser Card...if not activated, still taxed?


Registered User
I have moved my mortgage over to NIB to avail of their LTV package. I ended up getting a laser card as part of their 'easy' package but I have no plans to use their banking service. I plan just to feed in my mortage payments from my BofI a/c each month. I have not activated the NIB laser card they sent me. So, if I don't activate it will I still get charged government duty?
AFAIK you only get charged stamp duty on the parts of the card you use. i.e., if you have a dual (laser & ATM) card and only use the ATM element you won't be charged for stamp duty on the laser element.

In your case if you don't use either element then you shouldn't have to pay any duty. see [broken link removed] for more info.

always use my credit card instead of laser. There is no point get taxed on 2 cards which basically do the same thing. Only use I can think for laser is when ATMs run dry....think back to the brinks strike a few years ago
Thanks for that skrooge. From your link (quoted below) I shouldn't be charged any stamp duty if I don't use the card....I hope the bank knows that!

"There are a number of exemptions to stamp duty in relation to ATM cards, debit cards and combined cards:
If the card is not used during the year"
I think it might be a bit like a TV. You must pay the licence even if you do not take it out of the box.
I think it might be a bit like a TV. You must pay the licence even if you do not take it out of the box.

The Revenue leaflet is quote explicit on this point...if you don't use the card, you don't pay the stamp duty.