I've had an account with them for over 20 years, and a mortgage for about 15. In general I would have said their customer service was one of the best. Not any more. We wanted to extend the mortgage to cover an extension we're doing. Painfully slow and downright incompetent are phrases that spring to mind. It's taken literally months to arrange (three so far, and still counting). It can take a week to get them to respond to a query: phone calls not returned for days, e-mails ignored, the list goes on. At every stage we asked "is there any more information you require?" to be told, "no that was it". Then, the inevitable request for yet further information, frequently some they already had. Also requests for undertakings from solicitors: this was queried several times, until we were eventually told "oh, we don't need that after all". From talking with others, this experience is not uncommon. They seem completely disorganised. If I'd known it would be like this, I would have gone elsewhere, even if it cost more.