NIB customer service/perfomance


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Just wondered if anyone had experiences with NIB. Considering them for an LTV mortgage but was warned that they are painfully slow at approving applications as they have taken on too much business. Anyone disagree or concur?
Thinking of Switching to an NIB LTV mortgage

If anyone has moved to NIB LTV recently, what were they like to deal with? Were they quick, no major mess-ups , losing documents etc. I presume they do not cover the legal cost of switching mortgages? I recall some banks were covering this in the past - was I dreaming or was this all part of the celtic tiger 'bonus package'!
i tried to post there but it disappeared!

we switched to NIB this time last year (since moved house) when we switched we knocked 7 years off our mortgage and kept payments the same. they also paid for our solicitor fees.

while they do take their time and are hard to contact, switching to them has saved us a fortune so IMO its well worth while
Id expect our deal to go through pretty quickly. Their package is attractive but i'd need the mortgage ready to go in 4 or 5 weeks. Is this being too optimistic??
I find them slightly difficult to get in contact with but they are generally nice when you do get to talk to them. One thing I really like is that you can view all your mortgage accounts online.

So far my experience, mortgage switch..............slow isn't the word,(I am talking months here), I think we were forgotten about. I haven't chased them up much but when I do, am told that their legal dept is slow/short staffed.
Switching accounts/credit card....overnight!
Have never seen an account opened faster nor a cc switched so quickly.
I've had an account with them for over 20 years, and a mortgage for about 15. In general I would have said their customer service was one of the best. Not any more. We wanted to extend the mortgage to cover an extension we're doing. Painfully slow and downright incompetent are phrases that spring to mind. It's taken literally months to arrange (three so far, and still counting). It can take a week to get them to respond to a query: phone calls not returned for days, e-mails ignored, the list goes on. At every stage we asked "is there any more information you require?" to be told, "no that was it". Then, the inevitable request for yet further information, frequently some they already had. Also requests for undertakings from solicitors: this was queried several times, until we were eventually told "oh, we don't need that after all". From talking with others, this experience is not uncommon. They seem completely disorganised. If I'd known it would be like this, I would have gone elsewhere, even if it cost more.
what i found worked for us was to go to branch and meet with the mortgage advisor, asked her exactly what we needed, scanned everything in the next day and emailed to her, then met her again 2 days later. if you try deal by email / telephone you will be waiting, where as if you have a direct number and a relationship with mortgage advisor things move along very quickly (well, more quickly!)
I found NIB great and very efficient, best way is to actually go in a speak to them. Ring NIB (the 1850 number of your local branch) and ask to make an appointment with the mortgage advisor. Once you have that meeting you know exactly what documentation you need, what changes need to happen in regard to mortgage protection/life assurance, valuation survey etc. From there I found it very fast and straightforward. Once we had all our docs collected we went back and the advisor filled out our application online there and then, and the final approval only took a few more days. It was sometimes hard to get hold of her on the phone, but she would always return the call - often it was the next day but emails were answered promptly.
I have to say, that hasn't been our experience. We met twice face to face, had a direct phone number (hard enough to get), but it made no difference. Maybe it's just the individual we dealt with, but I have heard feedback (through our solicitor) that our experience is not uncommon.
if their service is below par but their prices are good then accept the service levels in return for a better price, its like flying with ryanair, they are not known for service, they are known for prices
...and that's exactly why we have stuck with them. However, the question the OP asked related to service, which is why I gave my experience of it.