NIB Charged €2 for transfer from credit card in credit


Registered User
I have an NIB credit card that I cleared the outstanding balance on.

They transfered the minimum payment from the current account to the credit card putting the credit card into credit by the amount of the minimum payment.

I transfered the credit card balance back to the current account where it came from.

They charged a cash withdrawal fee of 2 euro to transfer the credit balance.

I have raised an issue with NIB and I will see how I get on.
Unfortunately I doubt you'll get a refund.
It happened to me before.
Put several hundred on my card as I was paying for hotels & flights.
But my direct debit kicked in shortly after my transfer and my balance was cleared and I was left with a credit card with several hundred in credit.
As I've read that any fraud on your credit card for any balances in credit were not covered - I decided to transfer the amount back to my current a/c (with NIB also).

However I was hit with a 15 euro charge.
I queried this over several calls to the branch - they even (so I'm told) referred it to a decision panel but quite simply I was told that I wasn't getting it back. They guy on the desk told me that if this happened in the "good times" then I'd get the money back but not now - cost tightening etc... - he said the info was in the T&C and I should have read it. Great customer service(!)

Rather frustrating that you are charged for transferring your own money off your credit card and on to your current account.

The above was done via e-banking. I was told that if I had to do the same in future that I should call them and get them to do it - so that this charge could be avoided.

Still annoyed how NIB treated me on this.
Same as that, I transfered it by ebanking.

I messaged them so I will let you know how I got on.
NIB treat the transaction as a cash advance and and are fully entitled to charge a cash advance fee.
But the accout was in credit and they were "advancing" my own cash.

They put the account in credit by paying automatically a credit card payment to a credit card that was cleared.

The problem is:-

There is no way of knowing how much they are going to take from the current account. If I don't clear the account I will pay interest on the full amount.

If I don't know how much they are going to take I will always risk having to pay interest.
Same thing happened me at NIB.

Charged 11.42 for a cash advance a while back.

Topped up my credit card with 1,000 and did'nt need it all so later transferred back approx 750 to my currrnt a/c.

They told me this is treated as a cash advance and the fee would not be returned.

I was very annoyed about this 'penalised for t/f back of own money' but got nowhere in the end.
But the accout was in credit and they were "advancing" my own cash.

The bank carry the risk that if your card is skimmed and your money is stolen and the limit on the card, then it becomes their loss..... therefore risk to bank