NIB brought fwd date of mortgage repayment by 2 days?


Registered User
Hi, just wondered if any other NIB mortgage holders here have had their payment dates brought forward and why? Might it be something to do with further potential interest rate changes so a nearer date might ensure it won't be passed on until the following month? My payment date is usually 22nd and is brought forward to the 20th.
i'd say it is to do with christmas, my bank calls for the money on the 9th but it doesnt come out until the 12th because the direct debit comes from an account with a different bank. Maybe your direct debit bank wanted to get things out on time for christmas so they processed it faster?
Hi sandrat thanks for the reply, sorry I should have specified that it's January's payment I'm talking about, not decembers which came out as normal on 22nd
Neither of my NIB January mortgage payments have been brought forward, one falls on a non banking day, so will be taken the next banking day.