NHS to scrap £356m outpatient booking system


Registered User
It seems the HSE is not the only statutory health body that messes up where IT is concerned.

I've often wondered is it because the NHS/HSEs of this world are "only" spending tax-payers' money that these enormous projects fail or fail to deliver?

I guess the only difference between the two organisations and their IT failures is the magnitude of the waste.

The key failures here are common to almost all failed IT projects - the key-user, the GP, hasn't got time to fit the new work into his existing work-flow and the system wasn't designed as user-friendly for IT novices.

Scaling that to our population it would be like the HSE wasting €28 million. I'd be delighted if that was all they wasted each year!
I have been involved in plenty of private sector projects that have ended the same way. Not specific to spending taxpayers money. Nothing can waste money like IT projects.