For that low amount you might be better going direct with an American automated exchange. Broker fees could make it not very worthwhile. However, check outCheck out Ameritrade, Datek or E-Trade.
Some of the "Pros" with this approach are:
- low cost for transactions, $5-15 per trade
- easy to use
- immediate transactions (no delay trying to contact broker)
- up to you to declare your own taxes in Ireland.
Some of the "Cons":
- increasing your exposure the to the US Dollar
- a bit of a wait to set it up. You have to fill in form, sign it and send it back them before it is set up. So, it might take a couple of weeks before you get going
- limited to a certain number of exchanges (e.g. Nasdaq)
- up to you to declare your own taxes in Ireland (this is both a pro and a con!!)
Happy trading!!