Newbury Wood, Clonshaugh, D.17

Just a quick question.

My Solicitor has the loan cheque this morning so what happens now. Do i go and get it off him and then go to the DCC to get the Keys how does it work?
back at ye annpg

my funds were being released today but of course something with the home insurance was told to ins for €210k but now told right before the funds were being released that should be for €245k i don't know sick of it at this stage was meant to be signing friday but prob won't be till mon or tues now does anyone know when int rates are due to go up again think its the 6th of oct but not sure

your solicitor has to send it in to dcc if he does that today the funds should be in their acc tomorrow and then you should be able to sign tomorrow

just got a call from my mortgage broker as i'm writing this bank was wrong so hopefully they will release the money now :mad:

ye just get fed up with all the phonecalls roll on fri or monday
can someone tell me whats the deal with the insurance hold up ann. dont wan it to happen to me. ive been held up 4 months. please tell. thanks
yeah everything should be ok

ring your solicitor tomorrow and get him or her to ring ebs and find out if there is anything outstanding on your loan offer

i had to get a final valuation
your solicitor has to send something called a home bond e 74 form or something like that all things i hadn't a clue about until the last week
if you have a mortgage broker ring them or the bank if not

just some handy hints so nothing crops up the day they're meant to release your funds when you request them they're not major they just slow everything down
not yet 4 me ann. was up tere yesterday saw about 10 people moving in. it killed me. shouldnt be to much longer.
nope still not in hopefully monday if not tuesday praying its tomorrow though!!

This is my first post though I've been keeping a close eye on this forum since offered a house in February. It's been a great source of info.

My snag list is currently being done and I will probably be closing the sale before the end of October. I've a couple of things I'd like to know from those of you who have already de-snagged/closed.

Did anyone get information from DDC on the electrical/plumbing snag before closing the sale e.g. what was snagged? What problems were encountered? Was it even done? What happens if you come across a problem with the plumbing/electrics afterwards?

Did anyone with house type D notice that there are no ventilation strips or extractor fans in the bathroom (no ventilation strips in the box room either)? The only way to ventilate the bathroom is to open the skylite, which is out of reach unless you climb on something or use a pole. Although I could be wrong, I don't think this meets building regulation standards for bathroom ventilation. Either ways, it's inadequate in my opinion. I'm going to check this out with DCC.
wood 17. im in number 8. yeah same in my house. i put it on my snag for a vent so hopefully they put one in because my girlfriend is tiny and cant reach the window.
wood 17. im in number 8. yeah same in my house. i put it on my snag for a vent so hopefully they put one in because my girlfriend is tiny and cant reach the window.

Hi Graham,

I spoke to the architect today and he said that there is a ventilation strip behind the handle of the velux skylite. He said that this satisfies building regulations and that the builders won't instal any further ventilation.

I suppose it'll do. At least I won't have to keep opening and closing the window all the time as long as I leave the vent open. I still don't think it's ideal.

I didn't have it on my snag list and figured it was probably a long shot getting them to do anything about it now. You might have better luck since you put it on the list. Let me know if they put a proper vent in.
Well guys, this is goodbye...or hello as it our keys yesterday we're number 19 so I guess we'll be seeing you all fairly soon.

Thanks for all the help and I've got a few handy numbers off you all for tilers / alarms / blinds of luck to you all in your new homes...

Niamh & Derek
Hi Guys

Jsut a quick question i am just waiting to be called to snag and i have just been informed this morning that the Affordable Housing unit have not finished their snag .Is this the case because the feeling i am getting that everybody has more or less snagged at this stage.It just dosen't sound right ??? .thanks for any answers to this

Hi All. My first time on this forum. Thank god I found it, it's been good to hear what others have been going through and that it's not just us! DCC are clueless and unable to give any clear information. Was told yesterday that the letter they sent out re the snag indicating that someone from DCC would check the elec/pluming etc was just a generic letter and that they didn't have anyone from there going out to check the house, wish i knew this before we did our snag. Is this incorrect from any of your experiences (I'm hoping that she was still clueless and therefore wrong about this)! Can't believe how slow this all is. Delighted for those who have closed and moved in, we're waiting to hear back re our first snag.........