New York with baby


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just wondering would we be mad to even consider nyc with a 5 month old? would just love to go
Well i was there last month for a week and here goes I'll say it-you WOULD MOST DEFINITELY BE INSANELY MAD to bring a 5month old. You would miss out and have the hassle of lugging stuff around the some of the busiest streets in the world. Think about trying to negotiate snake like queues in the rockefellar centre or empire states building with a buggy or beating your way through Macys, which the redcow roundabout in Dublin has nothing on. You would also find yourself getting a lot of taxis and have the hassle of trying to get in and out of them......

Bribe someone to take the kid for a few days and head off-thats what Id do
I did Venice a few years ago with baby on my back, with no problems.
haha well thanks for the replies... just needed someone to say it to me... considering a trip to the supermarket is an epic journey...dreams are wonderful though :)
just wondering would we be mad to even consider nyc with a 5 month old? would just love to go

Go for it! Speaking as the parent of a 1 and a 5 year old, unfortunately they only get harder to take on holidays to anywhere remotely adult-friendly. Five month olds are normally reasonably portable, sleep for decent periods at a time in their prams and can be carried in slings.

You may not get the same out of the holiday had you gone when you were babyless but you have some chance of getting more out of it than you will for the next 18 years!
Took our boy when he was 5 months old, and every summer since (he's 3 now). It was no problem, flight was certainly easier than with a toddler.

However, we have family over there and only spent a few days in the city and the rest upstate in the country. So I guess it was a bit easier for us.

Watch out for the humidity, which obviously can make a baby uncomfortable and make sleep more difficult. Need the ol' aircon during the summer months.
Its easier when they are smaller, especially before they start to scrawl and walk. Its easier when you don't have them with you. Its a different "holiday" with kids. Sometimes it doesn't even seem like a holiday.

But either you want them with you or you don't.