New Website - what's best Domain server?


Registered User
A relation of mine is about to begin a small business and wants to register a domain name for their new website. Anybody know what the best value (read 'cheapest') deal out there is for registering a domain name, hosting charges etc? What should he be looking for in the small print and what if any, are the catches. Any advice appreciated.
For hosting, I use these people, [broken link removed]. Excellent prices for my needs, and fantastic service.

will get you the cheapest prices for registering domain names. For the domain names, the cheaper the better - no real catches.

The hosting is where you need to be more careful.
Hi Hotdogsfolks, he tells me that he would prefer to have a .ie but he thinks that it may be restricted to Ltd Co types. Is that true? Would it be a big disadavantage to go .com?
If your friend can get the dotcom name for his business he should grab it and keep it.....about €6.00 pa.

A .ie one needs a Business Name registration. Business name registration costs €30. The .ie name costs €40'ish pa.

.ie's are usually the second option (personal opinion) if the .com has been taken.

Hope this helps............
If the business is Irish focused, .ie domains bring a lot of credibility.

.com is always excellent for branding, or if the business has a more international focus.

I use and have set up numerous websites for others with them. About €69 ex. vat will get you a domain and hosting for the year. IMHO their package can't be beaten - 2GB space, 99GB monthly transfers, up to 5 add on domains, great almost instant support service, loads of free website software, handy CPanel interface et cetrea... all round great service really.

(Note: I have no affiliation to the above company - i'm just a very satisfied customer).
For the domain names, the cheaper the better - no real catches.
Unfortunately not. There are a lot of nefarious types out there at the bottom of the market that make it difficult (i.e. expensive) or impossible to transfer away from them if you wish to move to another provider. You're better off going with a more respectable provider mid-market.

adam (in the industry)
I'd have to agree with Adam. We get contacted regularly by clients who are being held to ransom by "cheap" providers.

If it's for an Irish business check the members list of the Irish Internet Association (

There are a number of Irish hosting companies who can offer you / your friend the level of service that they need and do it using Irish based servers.
.ie's can be gotten if you word your application correctly.

I've never had a problem getting one.

Hint: his .ie domain is for non-commerical use, right????, a friend of mine has had problems with them ignoring his support e-mails, so I'd give them a miss. My brother has a .ie with Blacknight and they seem like a decent bunch!

Hosting, the most important thing is how quick and knowledgeable their support are. Send a quick test e-mail with a couple of questions to whoever you're interested going with... In my experience, US hosting companies are much more customer focussed and (I don't know how else to say it) less arrogant than Irish hosting companies, but I'd still go with the Irish option simply because you can sue them if they screw up The US guys, they're very far away...
I use [broken link removed] . very reasonable, excellant tech support & irish located servers.