New Water Charge Proposal


Registered User
So the expert body are suggesting:
- every household gets a water allowance at no cost
- only excessive use might attract a charge
- the provision of water services is funded out of general taxation
- we might have a single utility or revert to local authorities providing water services ( FF proposal)
- those who lawfully paid the water tax might get a refund so as to level the playing field with those who refused to pay

So the FF stance now is to revert to local authorities providing the service with the State providing the necessary funds to maintain and improve the water services system. This is what we have had for some 80 years and the result was decades of under - funding, resulting is leakages, boil water notices, no conservation of a valuable resource etc etc. We know that when it comes to long term planning (and funding) that politicians of all colours cannot see beyond the next election. So reverting to the previously failed system is hardly a solution. The definition of madness is doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different result.
So the Anti Everything Alliance and the People Who Never Made Any Profit are already polishing their walking shoes. Any excuse to protest, any excuse to oppose. So Paul Murphy, Brendan Ogle etc etc are quite happy that taxpayers should pay for those with private swimming pools, those who water their gardens, those who wash their cars daily etc.
And should any future government decide to increase PAYE or USC so as to fund water services, guess what - Murphy, Ogle et al will oppose that too. These are the politicians who want increases in health expenditure, increases in education services, increases in public service salaries but no increase in taxation (other than for the "wealthy" of course).
And sadly a certain section of the population seems to be falling for this "Disney Economics".
The problem with democracy is that there is no accounting for the deluded.
I think it's also planned that the State will be the only "customer" of Irish Water on the residential side of things. Essentially the state paying itself!

I've also heard rumours that the costs could be incorporated into the property charge....yet another "handy one" for people who do not have to pay for their own roof!
I heard earlier on the radio that Dub City Council are quietly writing off the debts owed by 40,000 households for waste bills never paid before the service was privatised.
What a great little country it is for some
I heard earlier on the radio that Dub City Council are quietly writing off the debts owed by 40,000 households for waste bills never paid before the service was privatised.
What a great little country it is for some

I believe that I am probably in a similar position with my Co. Co., not Dublin City. They seem to have written off my waste bill. However things are not always what they seem. Did those 40,000 households ever actually receive a waste service from Dublin City council.

I wont bother you with the details but for 5 years I received a letter twice a year, February and November, from my council, saying in effect, pay the bill or we will take you to court. The first time I wrote back explaining exactly why I did not owe them the money. They never addressed my objections just continued to send out bills. About 2 years ago I wrote again saying that if they didn't stop writing to me I would make a complaint of harassment, either take me to court or close the file. Unfortunately they didn't take me to court.

In my case the council continued to issue bills long after the service was stopped, rather than admit their mistake and write the bills off when this was pointed out they just sent reminder letters. I just wonder how many of those 40,000 bills are actually owing. If the council believed they were why don't they go to court.
An FG guy has suggested that in fairness law abiding payers should be reimbursed. Barry Cowan of FF rounded on him calling it "typical Blueshirt law and order cant". What an amazing comment! There is no doubt how this will play out and it will be the FF way. Technically the charges will not be retrospectively dropped but no-one will be pursued for non payment.
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How do they propose to measure excess usage? Are they going to install water meters at all houses after all?

One thing I don't understand is taxpayers who oppose individual water charges. Water infrastructure needs to be paid for some way. Option 1 - everyone pays it as a separate charge based on usage. Option 2 - it comes out of general taxation, which means that taxpayers foot the bill through an increase in tax. If you're paying tax, your share of the bill is smaller with everyone paying.
One thing I don't understand is taxpayers who oppose individual water charges.

I'd add to that why those connected to the more than 200,000 private wells aren't more vocal in their support of charges for everyone else. Or why those who see water as a human right doing nothing to help those on private supplies.
Or why those who see water as a human right doing nothing to help those on private supplies.
I always found that one strange. If water is a basic human right then why is food not free as well? Do the same people think we should all go to the shops and fill our trolleys knowing that our bill will be paid through general taxation?
I always found that one strange. If water is a basic human right then why is food not free as well? Do the same people think we should all go to the shops and fill our trolleys knowing that our bill will be paid through general taxation?

Don't mind about food, what about me Sky Sports?
Don't mind about food, what about me Sky Sports?
Well you can get that for free on a "dodgy box". Of course you shouldn't have to pay for that either; the government, sorry, "Government" (the "the" has been dropped, did you notice that?) should make sure that there's one in the house they give you for free... oh, housing is a basic right as well.
I can't wait to get mine. When we all have houses and water and food and Sky sports can we all get cars next please? I'd really love a Porsche.
Well you can get that for free on a "dodgy box". Of course you shouldn't have to pay for that either; the government, sorry, "Government" (the "the" has been dropped, did you notice that?) should make sure that there's one in the house they give you for free... oh, housing is a basic right as well.
I can't wait to get mine. When we all have houses and water and food and Sky sports can we all get cars next please? I'd really love a Porsche.

I'm a fan of Android boxes myself ;)

I would love if a motion was passed in the Dail, that from now on it became mandatory for people to replace the word "Government" with the word "Taxpayer"
I'm a fan of Android boxes myself ;)

I would love if a motion was passed in the Dail, that from now on it became mandatory for people to replace the word "Government" with the word "Taxpayer"
But we all pay tax Firefly... how about changing it to "Net Contributor"?
You would have to feel some sympathy for those that paid money to irish water, lets just say its money down the drain now...:)