Hi Brendan,
I did a google on private versus public maternity (you may have noticed most of my posts are in relation to this!) last week and askaboutmoney was one of the sites suggested for my answer. Think it's a great site BTW and am becoming a little addicted!
AAM threads frequently come up in the first page of results my google searches for various things, am going to be taking on a pretty big task in the next few months where AAM will come in very useful, so decided to register (after much difficulty in the registration process though!)
Needed a framing service back in January and google brought up a thread in AAM with some recommendations. Used the framer mentioned there (more than once), joined the site and can agree that it's the best.
I also found this website through search for info on google. Website often comes up in searches, well, I've been searching about building related issues.
Hi. Found the website when doing searches for info on a few matters on google and posts here popped up. Am hooked now, think it's a great website and have recommended it to many people.
I had read many times about AAM but didn't know what it was. Mostly when i did a google search i saw it in the results. And then one day i thought i will register myself for it and then i came to know what AAM is. It's a very good website. It helps you alot with your problems and get a brighter knowledge of it.
Its the only forum website I can get on in work. It also seems to solve alot of problems for me. I only recently became a member but having been reading posts for months!!!!!