New Users on AAM


Registered User
Theres nearly a daily record being set for the amount of users having logged on to AAM.
Has there been an influx of new users since the new year?
Has everyone made new years resolutions to be frugal?
Has the impending SSIA maturity hit everyone with a sense of guilt on how to wisely spend their money?
Any truth in the rumour google are about to poach Clubman to be the resident guru on their own askgoogleaboutmoney?
I think it could be word of mouth for the most part tbh. Also Eddie Hobbs recommends the forum on his website :
I've see the AAM forum popping up on other popular discussion boards - and to name but a few.
Clubman, I'm surprised you even have time to work with keeping an eye on AAM!
There is a definite increase in the number of posts, but a few things have "artificially" pushed up the numbers:

1) We don't allow unregistered users to post anymore, so we have got a lot more registrations.

2) A few people were being logged out after 15 minutes. This was causing problems for people with very long posts, especially if they contained a lot of quotes from other posts. The 15 minutes was extended to 60 minutes to reduce this problem. So if it says that there are currently 300 people logged on, I gather that this means that there have been 300 people logged on in the last 60 minutes.

mo3art said:
Clubman, I'm surprised you even have time to work with keeping an eye on AAM!
Actually I'm not in work the past few days as it happens.
DrMoriarty said:
Hope the new toiletries range is doing well, at least?
Those toiletries look good enough to drink! But if I ever start wearing pants like that please shoot me! However, beware of cheap imitators - note the lack of a capitalised "M".
Originally Posted by Brendan
A few people were being logged out after 15 minutes. This was causing problems for people with very long posts, especially if they contained a lot of quotes from other posts

Gosh - I wonder who that could be ? ;-)