New unemployment benefit


Registered User
I know this is only coming in March so the ins and outs of it might not be clear. Would you qualify for this is you take early retirement but still want to work at age 60?
Would you qualify for this if you retire at 65, still want to work?
The existing Jobseekers Benefit can be claimed up to the age you claim the State Contributory Pension or if you defer, or don't qualify, up to maximum age 70.

Presumably the new Pay Related Jobseekers Benefit will be the same.

Taking early retirement from one employment does not mean that you are no longer in the employment market for another opportunity.

Regardless of what age you are, up to State Contributory Pension claim date, or age 70 you are insured for loss of employment if you meet the Prsi contributions rules.

The State cannot discriminate against you on the grounds of your age.
Given that this thread was opened regarding the New Pay-Related unemployment benefit I felt it was appropriate to ask another question rather than open a new thread.

If a person commences with claiming the current unemployment benefit early March (Max Payment I believe is €244) will that person's claim be upgraded to the soon to be introduced New Pay-Related unemployment benefit which has the higher rates as follows.........

  • a top rate of a maximum of €450, or 60 per cent of your prior income, for people who have made at least five years PRSI contributions. The €450 rate will be paid for the first three months;
  • a second rate of a maximum of €375, or 55 per cent of your prior income. This will be paid for the following three months;
  • a third rate of a maximum of €300, or 50 per cent of your prior income for the final three months.
Effective 31st March 2025.

Probably better off holding off a claim for a month to ensure new rates are payable ?
You must have ceased your last employment on or after 31st March to qualify for the Pay Related Jobseekers Benefit.

So if you have commenced in the present Jobseekers Benefit system that will continue beyond 31st March.

If you hold off you will still have your last employment ceased before 31st March and will still only qualify for the existing Jobseekers Benefit.

Your only possibly to qualify for the new system would be if you got new employment for at least 1 Day and then cease this on or after 31st March.

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Am I correct in saying that if your current employment is not ceased on the Revenue site until 31st March you would be eligible for the new higher rates. ?
My guess is that your last paid contribution date will be what counts. Anybody could have an unceased employment showing on their revenue record, but no longer actually be employed.

You could try this out and see if you are successful.

If you are successful, please update here.
I would be interested to know if this is possible.
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My guess is that your last paid contribution date will be what counts. Anybody could have an unceased employment showing on their revenue record, but no longer actually be employed.
Yes, I had an employment still listed on my Revenue myAccount for a couple of years after I had left it and hadn't taken up employment elsewhere. I don't think that I'd have been able to successfully argue that it was still a valid employment in any context.
I will be leaving my current role after nearly 19 years as part of a voluntary redundancy program. I finish on 28th April but will be getting a final bonus for 2024 on the 23rd March. The bonus being paid a month later is something I need to find out about later this week. I was under the impression that this would have been paid out in my final payment on 23rd Feb. I plan to take a small break to recharge and decide what my plans are for the next stage of my career. As it stands I would have no plans to sign on until I start looking for work which is around April, so I won't be getting any unemployment benefit. That being the case surely if my application goes in April I should be entitled to the appropriate rate (higher rate)

It would seem very unfair that if you applied just before the introduction of the new rate that you would be financially penalized after nearly 19 years of paying significant taxes/prsi and USC.
There are lots of unfair cut off points in the Social Protection rules.

A person with 519 paid contributions gets no contributory pension. A person with 520 gets 25% of the contributory pension.

You can sign on on 1st April and see what happens.

If you only qualify for the existing system, you could try to get PAYE employment to get 1 class A contribution. Then cease this employment and reapply for Jobseekers Benefit. You would then meet the rule of your last employment ceasing after 31th March.
You would then qualify for the Pay related Jobseekers Benefit.

Like the person with 519 contributions only 1 contribution could
change your entitlement to receive a better benefit.
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