New TV licence Ad Campaign, what do you think?


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I used to find the ad campaigns (especially on the radio) for TV licensing particularly cringeworthy; low production values, poor scripts and implausible "plot lines" that just didn't seem effective to me. Of course I do have a licence myself but I just didn't feel the old ad campaign was really going to reach its "target audience". However I am glad to say that I think RTE have turned a corner on this- the new TV ads are slick, boast higher production values and are plausible (especially the one where our "TV sponger" answers the door with a bunch of flowers in his hand, expecting to find the wife/ girlfriend at the door). Anybody else agree/ disahgree or otherwise?
Carpenter said:
Anybody else agree/ disahgree or otherwise?
I can't see why, given that 99.x% of households have a TV, RTE's core public service obligations are not funded centrally by the exchequer and possibly some other fund provided to which those making Irish/public interest programs could apply for a grant. When you look at the overheads for collecting the fee, the constant threatening ads, Garda and court time wasted chasing defaulters, etc, it makes me think that this idea to collect a yearly licence fee has had it's day.
I do have a TV licience but these ads really annoy me. Just because the inspector calls at a persons door doesn't mean they are instantly caught or fined! After reading a poster complain about the heavy handedness of a Tv licience inspector I think the method of checking up on people and insisting on entering a persons house to "check for a TV" is ridicolous! THe inspectors cannot enter your house without a warrant and you don't have to answer your door if you don't want to so think the ads are silly!
Whatever about the quality or accuracy of the scenarios portrayed by these advertisements they are certainly doing their job - i.e. getting attention.
Whatever about the quality or accuracy of the scenarios portrayed by these advertisements they are certainly doing their job - i.e. getting attention.

Are they doing their intended job of increasing the takeup of TV Liciences though? Would wonder at this. People either have a licience or not and can't see the scenarios in these ads changing a person's mind one way or the other. They are just irritating IMHO!
as I saw in a Sunday paper lately - do they really believe its such a social gaffe to be caught?? Do we agree? I know I wouldnt consider it an item of juicy gossip if I heard it.

we had the honour of a guy calling to inspect before the house was even finished, flippin eejit.
A friend of my sisters was caught recently and went to court...She was fined, fair enough..but she was shocked at the number of pensioners who had been dragged into court for not having a license....They actually have to apply to get the free license (that all pensioners get) and some of them didn't know or understand how to do it....So rather than informing them of how to go about getting the license they were summoned to court to explain themselves, some of them on walking frames, aided by family members!
Lauren said:
some of them on walking frames, aided by family members!
Ah come on! It doesn't say much for their "family" members that they wouldn't look into all the benefits that were available for their elderly family member, including a free TV licence.
Well, not everyone is as well informed as AAMers or users of the internet..Its amazing what ppl don't know about what they are entitled to...
You don't necessarily need the internet or to be au fait with finacial matters to find this stuff out. OASIS have been running advertisements recently on the radio highlighting that people can find out about entitlements in many different areas (e.g. welfare, tax etc.) via their , their LoCall service (1890 777 121) and .