New TV connection - no satellite dish.



Grateful for any help. Currently living in large houseshare and have 6 channels and know nothing about who pays who for what.
I am moving into new house and need to
a) get television
b) get connected to one of these TV services
Found NTL and Sky people sinfully difficult to get any sense out of. I am just looking for a cost effective set up that includes Channel 4 but doesn't involve a poxy satellite dish.
Can anyone recommend which one I should go for?
Do they all involve having a box?
The TV we have now can't be tuned in and so we have 6 random channels that alternate between black and white and colour.
I am completely lost.
NTL provide 2 principal services, neither of which require a satellite dish. However, not all of their services would be available in all areas.

NTL analog is a cable that provides 16 (or is it 17) channels, including Channel 4.
NTL digital is an add-on box which provides more TV channels.

Chorus would, AFAIK, offer similar services.

I am an NTL analog & digital customer (you may have to have analog to get digital (?)) and have no issue with them. Any time I need SKY Sports or Movies, they can be added or removed (minimum charge is one month).

What do you mean by 'cost effective set up' ?
Sky do not offer Channel 4 on any of their packages, so it is probably not an option for you at all. With Sky Digital, you will also need a dish, but in my opinion, it is a far better service than NTL. Because of the dish though, it is available anywhere, provided that you are not in an apartment complext where you are not allowed to install a dish.

It is about 3 years since I had NTL Digital, but I was constantly having problems with dropped signals, slow to change channels, slow menus, customer service was a joke, etc. Even still, my parents have had NTL Digitial for years, have Sky Sports, Premiership Plus, all the Sports options, and they have never had a complaint. And I'm sure they've improved since then.

But id you've used both, I'd guess most people would say that Sky is the better service...provided that you don't need Channel 4! You do get E4, and More4, but no Channel4.

Some areas have specific companies that only operate locally, so depending on where you are, that could also be an option to you. I know of a company called Century where I am, but it is basically Chorus with a new name and Sky Sports1 thrown in for free!