New TV 3 series on bailiffs and repossession agents

Its a uk series, interesting but terribly sad in some situations, like the situation above of the 19yr old family home or mental health issues. Or cases with young children, equally terrible for landlords with shocking tenants.

however alot of people knew the system and how to deal with it, the two hours is the time when the bailiffs arrive unannounced to the property to change the locks, its the final stage in the whole process.,., getting months of free rent, destruction of property etc. Some people made no effort to face their debts whatsoever, in fact found it funny.

I found the bailiffs very professional and fair.
There are plenty of not so nice certificated bailiffs out there too. Many people would not know their rights and the bailiffs would exploit this to the last when attempting to collect CCJ's and parking ticket warrants etc.

Thankfully things are more civilised in Ireland compared to the UK.
There are plenty of not so nice certificated bailiffs out there too. Many people would not know their rights and the bailiffs would exploit this to the last when attempting to collect CCJ's and parking ticket warrants etc.

Thankfully things are more civilised in Ireland compared to the UK.

True, iin Ireland you don't just get a few free get 4 to 5 years. And then probably a sweet deal at the end of it.
It's great to live in a civilised country like this