New stove/old back boiler question


Registered User
Hi there,

I have an open fireplace with a backboiler that heats a few rads and hot water. Dont' get much heat from the fire and want to install a stove. Can't really afford stoves with boilers so was just wondering if it's possible to get a non-boiler stove to heat the pre-existing backboiler? Any advice greatly appreciated. Thanks.
Plaid, I don't think so. What heats the rest of your rads? I would say you are netter getting rid of the back boiler, IMHO they just suck all the heat so very little makes it into the room the fire is in
Thanks for the replies, and confirming my doubts. Oil heats the rest of the rads. The back boiler truly is crap, would you have the same problem with a stove that had a boiler, would you just be better off having a stove for heating the room and run rads off oil?