New shopping centre - where?


Registered User

I just caught a bit of the rte 1.00 news today and I saw a new shopping centre and tons of people running in. Can anybody tell me where it is?
Was feeding baby while on so missed it. Oh and has anybody been yet?

Thanks Blinkbelle.
A new shopping centre :eek: - why did no one tell me of this momentous and exciting event?!!
It is heralded as the bigest outside dublin with 20,000 per day expected to visit in the first week according to the news snippet. People seem to have an obsession with shopping centres in Ireland and seems to be the new religion in some areas!!!!
fobs said:
It is heralded as the bigest outside dublin with 20,000 per day expected to visit in the first week according to the news snippet. People seem to have an obsession with shopping centres in Ireland and seems to be the new religion in some areas!!!!

fobs.....come to dundalk.we are building them like homes.just don't know where the people will come from.
I really don't get the thrill, I love my retail therapy, but all these centres look the same now, same shops in them all.
Leo said:
I really don't get the thrill, I love my retail therapy, but all these centres look the same now, same shops in them all.

I fully agree on looks, but the prices do seem to vary quite a lot from location to location.

Im not a mad shopper, but where i live we have the crap of the crap shopping centre, with a penneys, boots, and tesco's. So i like to go where to loads of shops for a change. Plus our shopping centre is always jammed on sat and sundays. And dunnes isnt even in it its the other side of town. The penneys isnt as big as say the ones in dublin only with half the stuff in them so its not that great.
Does this new monstrosity have a website?? Good old county council, slap it right in the middle of the town and let traffic chaos ensue. What was wrong with siting it off the M7 in a nice big green field with plenty of room??

Thank goodness I only visit Newbridge occasionally...
Surely it is better for the Town to have the shopping centre located in the town centre and attract business into the town itself, as opposed to a greenfield site, sucking the life from the town itself and killing it. For an example see Athlone and the instant death the town centre there suffered once the Golden Island opened.

As for the traffic - a car park outside the town and shuttle bus to the centre might have been an idea to allieviate the bother it will cause, but given the price of land etc.

I welcome as it saves me the bother of being forced by Mrs Westbound to go to Dublin!
great if it stopped the exodus to newry on weekends. but I doubt it. As a 'townie' agree with X-Man. too many shopping centres in Dundalk and a new one started this year opening next year. Anchor tenents signed up already. and they are using Dundalk as they need a catchment of 2m suckers within a 50 mile zone. Banbridge in Co Down were looking for this particular outlet as well.
In Newbridge sat & traffic manic - didnt go into centre so can't say what it is like................traffic cops directing traffic etc..
Winnie said:
In Newbridge sat & traffic manic - didnt go into centre so can't say what it is like................traffic cops directing traffic etc..

Well there's a surprise... who'd have thought it... not the County Council obviously...
Winnie said:
In Newbridge sat & traffic manic - didnt go into centre so can't say what it is like................traffic cops directing traffic etc..

Well there's good use of our traffic cops. Who pays them for this work. Wouldnt they be better placed out on our roads catching boy racers.