New series on our State Pathologist


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Did anyone see the new series on RTE, 'Death Duties' about State Pathologist Professor Marie Cassidy? It was interesting listening to her talk about her work and how her opinions can effect the outcome of a trial (ie- Brian Murphy case) and that conflict of opinion can occur within such a limited profession (Robert Holahan case). It made fascinating viewing for an otherwise dull Monday evening RTE schedule.
Nice car she had. ( sleek looking Mercedes soft-top sports car ). Well for some state employees. The rest of the programme was pretty boring, I flicked over to some of the other channels.
Nice car she had. ( sleek looking Mercedes soft-top sports car ). Well for some state employees.

Typical Irish begrudgery I hope she gets paid well to do what is a very important job.
I agree that it's a facinating show but I'm not sure she should be commenting on specific cases.

Maybe a more general view of cases without giving too much information away would be better for the families of the victims ?

Tough job though, wouldn't fancy it so fair play to her. I actually thought the car was quite subdued for someone in that position.

Suppose everyone isn't like Columbo
I don't like watching programmes about women handling stiffs to be honest.
I think the first program was better than the second. That was more CSI like giving the techniques and persons involved in forensic science and how they established things like time of death etc. Whereas the second spent a lot of time on a few high profile cases.
Nice car she had. ( sleek looking Mercedes soft-top sports car ). Well for some state employees. The rest of the programme was pretty boring, I flicked over to some of the other channels.

Is it begrudgery or just observation ?

I read it as begrudgery - as in "isn't it well for her with her fancy car and me paying her salary" type begrudgery.
Nice car she had. ( sleek looking Mercedes soft-top sports car ). Well for some state employees..
She may have income/means other than from her job - e.g. other household income, inheritance(s), good at daytrading etc. for all you know.
She seems like a very sensible woman, but she might have a massive car loan, which she can barely afford on her salary, in which case, I hope she has heard about askaboutmoney, where we would be happy to advise her.
and she probably has extra income from lecturing etc.... an if so, then so what - more power to her
Saw the programme and I enjoyed it but I thought it wrong that individual cases should have been discussed.
Also, towards the end of the programme if was said that she received criticism due to the fact that she was an 'attractive' woman. Its in the eye of the beholder I guess.

She is graceful and looks well on camera. She would have been a looker in her prime
She is graceful and looks well on camera. She would have been a looker in her prime

Thought she was very attractive now whatever her age... can see more of her appearing on tv in the future if she is not put off totally by the effect of this programme.
On a more serious note, I actually thought that her input into the Brian Murphy manslaughter case (revisited on last Monday night's programme) was highly questionable (to say the least), as were her comments on the case during that programme.