New Radiators hot but room is cold



I replaced two medium horizontal radiators typical of Houses built int he 80s with two Vertical radiators from the designer range in B&Q. Changed due to space issues. Problem is that even though the size of the new vertical matches the size of the old one the room is really cold, The radiators are hot totouch but you have to be standing right beside them to feel any heat.

We put them in ourselves - followed instructions...any ideas - we've more space but we're freezing!!
The physical size might match the old ones, but are you sure the BTU rating (I think that's what it's called - the output rating anyway) of the new radiators is the same/similar to the old ones?
Hi Sharman

One of them was 4250 BTUs? and the other was 3800. The rooms are 4m by 4m with 9 foot ceiliings..the Plumber in B&Q told us they should be enough. There is literally no heat coming from them if you are more than 1 m away?
You can dowload a little Windows utility here to help you determine the total BTUs (or Watts) required to heat a room. Other calculators have been mentioned here before, so you might try a search.
well those rads should be more then adequate to heat the room. did you put the new ones in the same location as the old ones? are the new ones 2 bar or one bar?
Thanks for all the replies.

Racso - they are two bar and we put them just to the left of the old radiators in both cases? Opposite the windows in both room as no room under windows. I'm flummoxed coz they're not small radiators and an instore Plumber looked at the measurements - is it worth getting a plumber in?
some times the reason rads are put under windows or near doors is so that the smallest bit of a draft will allow the heat to be circulated around the room also seeing as heat rises the higher up the wall the rad goes the less heat u get on the ground but with the size of yours i cant understand why it is not adequate. like u very puzzled but please let me know how it goes for u?