new product idea


Registered User
Hi all,

I've come up with an idea for a new electrical product , I feel there could be a good market for this.Unfortunately, I have no idea how to build or market this product.Where do you go with just an idea and no physical product.I know it sounds airy fairy but you never know.(This product could already be out there of course,but I've not seen or heard of it).
get your product designed by an industrial designer (get him to sign a non disclosure agreement first). After that I'd suggest you go to a patent attorney to register your design and/or apply for a patent. As things progress you would need to find a suitable manufacturer and carry out a feasability study to see if the product concept is a viable one. Local county councils have enterprise boards and there are grants available for feasabilty studies, start-up costs etc. I've already been down this road for an electrical product so feel free to PM me if you need any more information. Good luck!!
Hi, I have small manufacture and distributing of domestic electric appliances business, started business Sep 08, brought to Ireland absolutely
new product everything is going well, the main problem was to convince people in new product, because people too suspicious to something new pm me,
I can share my experience to you