New photography business


Registered User
Hello all,

I am in the process of starting my new business. I have noticed an opening in the market in my area for a photographic studio concentrating on the wedding/studio market.

Having been recently been laid off, money would not be great, however I do have sufficent funds to purchase the necessary cameras, pcs, lighting systems and fixtures and fittings. My main concern is the location of this business.

I live within 1 mile of the town in which I plan to set up studio in and therefore wondering if it would make more financial sense to set up in my home. I realise I would not have the same impact or presence as setting up in the town.

As I am now on the dole I am also wondering if there is any assistance to anyone setting up a new business and especially in the first few months as there probably won't be any income. Or is there any overlap from when the dole stops when new business has started?

Any help would be apprecriated.
What about school photos ,this must be big business if every child in a school gets their picture taken

Also a website is very effective I think for photos and you can have the address on your business card
Approach your local newspapers & offer your services as a freelance press photographer maybe, just to get your name recognised in your local area. Theres good money involved in this also & it'll tie you over until your own business picks up.

Put up adverts in your local shop, Holy Communions / Confirmations are coming up so its probably a good time to begin your search for clients etc.

Would you consider offering your service free to someone for the next wedding in your family / friends. This would get you started & also it would add to your port folio.

I wouldn't know what grants are available etc. This is just my advise to you...

Best of luck to you...

Have you looked at - it might be good for you to advertise there and also look at - also a good source of contacts and info. (It's not just a site for women, lots of blokes on there as well)
Is their an enterprise board in your area- they can usually help out with capital grants, employment grants, marketing grants etc, as well as advice on developing business plans, and mentoring.

Is seed capital (tax back) still available? From your link above;

'The Scheme will continue until 31st December 2006'

Edit: I checked, it's still live
My main concern is the location of this business.

I live within 1 mile of the town in which I plan to set up studio in and therefore wondering if it would make more financial sense to set up in my home.

If you can, try to avoid committing any money to rent until you get well ahead on your cashflow.
If you can, try to avoid committing any money to rent until you get well ahead on your cashflow.
: I agree with that one.

Talk to your local County Enterprise Board they provide grants, training and mentoring for excellent value. Go see one of their business advisors.

I don't know much about your business background but I recommend you do a start your own business course, market research and write a business plan. The market research in your area is important as there might be a reason why there is not a photographer working there = demand.

I assume your good at photography or its a hobby at the moment. Start building a portfolio to show to people, even if its online for the moment (lots of free uploadable websites around, I've a friend whom uses If you don't have dedicated space taking portraits can be difficult try to use outdoor & available light scenarios.

The other thing I'd recommend for professional development is look at lots of photographers work and asses why you like the images then feed that information into your own work to develop a distinct style. (Don't just copycat).

Good luck.
Use your house but don't advertise from it. No signs outside etc. Maybe a plaque nearer the door. Otherwise neighbours, rate payers in the same business etc will use the local authority against you and someone like me will be sent around to knock on your door! Best of luck Time Lord
what do you think is a reasonable price. please break it down ie. time, processing, amount of photos, camera equipment, insurance andvertising.

can't wait for you reply.