New Passport for America


Registered User
Have the old holiday booked for New York in July. Was asking the girl in the travel agents about this passport you need, but to be honest, she didn't seem too sure!

I know I need a Machine Readable Passport and have been told by a number of people, once my passport isn't hand written, its ok......but then I've been told by a few other people that the passport I have since March 2002, isn't machine readable, and I'll have to get a new one.

Has anybody been to the US since this new rule came in, and can you let me know whether I need to get another new passport? Also, do I need any kind of visa?

I got a new passport in the post the other day. My next trip is to the US. The passport is machine readable but although I sent in a colour photograph as required, the picture on the passport is now in black and white.
Is this acceptable at passport control/immigration or do I need to contact the passport office again?