New Motorway From Oilgate to Rosslare Harbour


New Member
Hi, I have been informed by the Council that the new motorway will pass less than 20m from my home where I have lived, with my family, for over 30 years. I am not against the motorway per se but, with it being so close and considering the light and noise pollution and the detrimental effect it will and is having on our lives, I presumed that we would have been CPOd, which would have allowed us move to an equivalent property, away from the motorway. However, they have not confirmed that I will be CPOd but stated that they understood our plight, but have offered no alternative solutions etc..... I have been informed by an auctioneer that this motorway will seriously devalue our home which obviously will have a serious impact on our ability to purchase an equivalent property elsewhere. I have searched and searched and have not yet found any documentation detailing how close a new motorway can legally be placed beside an existing home. Any constructive advice welcome,
I believe the days of windfall for impacts like these are long gone (speaking as someone that might be impacted by another similar project.

They don't anticipate going for planning for that project until Q3 2026, in the meantime they will be refining the proposed route, and they are unlikely to confirm anything beyond that the road is likely to fall within the corridor highlighted on the map.