New Motor Tax Rates not applicable?


Registered User
Hi there,

We recently brought in a car from the UK emissions on it are 138g. We have registered teh car with the VRO and we have an irish reg.

On the piece of paper they gave us, there was a PIN for the MotorTax online site and it said we could tax the car the day after.

I just went in there filled in the details it correctly stated we registered the car in 07/2008 but then it says tax is due from the 01/07/2008 abd then taxes us based on the engine size and not the emissions, considerably more money, I got a fright as I wasn't expecting it

I have checked all documentation on the site and it states that the new rates apply from 01/07/2008 so I'm assuming it's an error?!

Has anyone else had a similar problem?

Can it be sorted by ringing them?

what year was the car - must be registered after 01/08 to be on new system - otherwise old cc based afaik
it's an 05, but I know I read and re-read that site and document (as did my husband) before we bought the car, it's the whole reason we bought the car that we did.

It definitely didn't specify anything about the year of the car being registered

I'm beginning to feel like I'm loosing my marbles and that I was seeing things. I spent months reading up on this

Your thinking was correct on VRT - that flipped immediatly.
Tax didn't.

I'd say you won't be the only one making this mistake.....
Read this - [broken link removed]

Bless the simi - they wrote most of the legislation.
Road tax does not change for pre 08 used cars, only the VRT.

But you would have saved on ther VRT if thats any consolation.
By the way initially it was to be all cars newly registered would have new road tax but they back tracked in Feb/Mar under pressure from SIMI, to only 08 cars.
Yeah , they changed the rules to suit the size of their pockets. How can the same car have a different car tax charge just because it is a few months older!!!
It's yet another tax on the regular person out there who cannot afford a brand new car.
Thanks for your feedback. yes we definitely saved on the VRT but the real sweetner was going to be the low motor tax.

We are going to try and do battle with them anyway, sure no harm in trying.

Very disappointed and I feel really stupid for making such a fundamental error, because all the documents I read said "newly imported vehicles" not "imported new vehicles"

As for this government and Gormless Gromley, oh man! The 9 o'clock news made for pretty grim viewing tonight, I thought, personally.
I asked Gormley in person while he was on the campaign trail for Lisbon. Did he know by back tracking on Road that People who are 'Green voters' bought cars that would fall into the 'A' and 'B' emmissions category's now are out of pocket for been 'Green'.
I explained if I was environmental and bought a cat B car 2 years ago not only has my car been devalued by the knock on effect of a drop in VRT from 25% to 16% on new cars (A point which cant be helped and is fair enough) but for been environmentaly conscience 2 years ago I have the insult of having to pay more road tax than people who are forced into it now. Thus further devalueing my car.
The road tax thing is very unfair in some instances. I suggested to him that used cars that fit the A and B categories should avail of the new tax system. This would encourage an more environmental used market.
He just said he had to draw a line in the sand and make a system. Truth seems he bowed to pressure.
For what its worth I think it will be brought in for all car in 3-5 years time as the worry of the huge influx of used car from UK availing of new road tax rates will be gone then as there will be enough Irish used cars on emmissions rates to not cause any market aberrations
peelaaa - it wasn't anything specific but with ESB going up, Brian Lenihan bungling his way through a pre-written dail speech, Brain cowan in the corner of the screen looking like he was going to burst into tears and then "sending out the woman" (as is usually the tactic in politics when the going gets tough) Mary coughlan didn't exactly instill confidence that much was going to be achieved in the next while. Couple that with the fishermen throwing their catch over the side and there are people in this country who can't even afford to eat cod! :mad: I've never felt so frustrated with a government as I do now

Anyway back to the topic, i don't know if there will be any battle at all. I don't have the original docs that I read (I just accessed them via links) so I can't really prove what I read or if something was misleading. I've been reading bits and bobs on the net and apparently I'm the only half wit left in the country that didn't think engine size was applicable for the Motor Tax on an older imported car

I feel duped, yet I probably wasn't, lol :confused: :eek:
macnas - the car was registered to a Dublin 14 address but we are for now living in Co Laois.
Just to give an update on this.

We have made numerous calls to the Consumer Association as well as the ombudsman who then put us on to a guy in Simi. Have to say a sensible conversation ensued basically that there is a two-tiered system in operation and that he was unable to change this. So he then told us to lodge a complaint with the Ombudsman, which we did, I basically took the line that people should be rewarded for choosing an environmentally friendly car.

Now I'm not holding my breath on a great result. But at least we did something and didn't just sit there and take it, like Irish people usually do.
Write Gormley a letter. At least if people do this he may see he is hitting his own green supporters.
Keep us posted.
If there is one thing that really bugs me about this government, it's the feckin' motor tax. I bought a new car in February last year. Not only did they de-value it by about 5k (new VRT rates) but I'm paying €428 in motor tax while people who bought exactly the same car only a year later are paying €100. My tax is more expensive than insurance! :mad:

ImARebel, goodluck with your quest and keep us posted.
I nearly made the same mistake as the OP but thanks to someone who was more informed I found out about the SIMI website just in time. I think it is disgraceful that the motortax website does not have the correct information on it. is a much more well known website than
Yes I'm sure I'll get nowhere but at least we have some feeling that we tried to do something about it (if that makes sense)

as for Gormless Gormley I just wouldn't even be bothered taking the time out to write to him, I can tell you I am very very sorry I voted for a man like him. I feel now he's in government he's showing his true colours. I could be wrong but it's how I feel.

anyway the office of the ombudsman was in touch and they are investigating our complaint and wil be in touch with their findings

At least it was acknowledged, lol :) if nothing else.
I was in a conversation with a UK public servant while away last weekend. He said something very interesting in that the new UK emmissions road tax covers ALL existing cars and not only new cars - Any other way would leave it open to legal challenges, he claimed.