New Mortgage Arrears Helpline 0761 07 4050

Brendan Burgess

The Minister for Social Welfare Joan Burton launched this today.

It will be staffed by 5 people and one supervisor. The 5 staff have been transferred within the public service and the supervisor works for the CIB.
This should be a useful service and I would expect the quality to be good as it's run by CIB who are a professional outfit.

However, it's a long way away from the 100 mortgage advisors recommended by the Keane Group.

This is for information and signposting only. They won't advise and they won't go along to the meetings with you.
there is some strange article about it in independent:

htt p://ww w.independent.i e/business/irish/new-mortgage-advice-scheme-for-troubled-homeowners-dismissed-as-pointless-3222038.html

''Consumer advocate, who is an accountant, said today that the new scheme was pointless as accountants were not familiar with consumer debt and most of them did not understand mortgages.''

you may need to clarify this with them (if you think it's necessary)
The accountant scheme is different, that is a paid for by the bank appointment with an accountant to go over an offer made by the bank of some sort of reschedule of debt. The helpline is run by Citizens Information Service.
As wbbs said, there are two different schemes.

I think that the helpline is a good idea.

I think that the accountant scheme is a waste of good money and it should have been given to MABS instead to provide the service.