Myself and the other half are looking to get a mortgage for a self build. We will probably look for in the region of €200k. We both earn about €28K each (My earnings should increase in the next couple of years, fingers crossed). I have approx 35K in savings & no loans, boyfriend has a car loan which will be paid off by september and modest savings.
My question is would we be crazy to say get a 15 year mortgage, fixing the 1st 10years? 4.5% PTSB * To avail of a fixed rate you must have a loan to value of 50% or less (so not sure if we would even qualify). This would cost 1529.98 per month. I've been reading on here about people struggling with mortgage payments so want to be careful before commiting to this plan, can we afford this? Basically want to pay this off in the shortest possible time to avoid huge interest payments without being completing skint over the duration, any better ideas welcome!
Also what are peoples opinions on when my savings are best used towards the build, should we use before we draw down on a mortgage or leave to furnish house or split half & half?
Not sure if this way the best section to put it in, feel free to move.