New local road sign numbers


Registered User
Any info on these new road number signs that are going up on local roads around the country?
I can't work out the numbering scheme on them, sometimes they increment sequentially other times they just jump to a different number!
I looked up the NRA website but no info on them.
Anybody know if these new road numbers will appear on new editions of ordinance survey maps?- I suppose that is a question for the ordinance survey!
Are you referring to the roads with L1234 etc. They've popped up everywhere recently.

As for the numbering scheme maybe they are sequential, just depends which end of the road you're on (eg the N3 and N4 are beside each other in Dublin, but at the other end they'd be out of sequence)

Most of the roads near us have 4 digits but there are a few that jump to 5 digits - seems unusual or maybe they just recently officially upgraded it to a 'road'. Maybe they'll give it a road surface now.