New lawn


Registered User
I have just completed a new house on nearly an acre of ground. I now want to look at tackling the garden but have no idea where to start. At the moment there is nothing but long grass & weed (growing longer as the summer progresses) and plenty of spare topsoil.

My question is, do I have to spray the entire area to kill all the grass as well as the weeds before I rotovate? And is there any point in doing this now or should I wait till next summer?
hi - did same thing last year on approx same size site - heres what i did

strimmed entire site
sprayed with roundup
waited 2 weeks for it to die
got in digger to dig and bury weeds into ground into ground and level
Attached weighted pallet to back of buggy and drove all over site breaking down clumps of soil
raked and buried loose stones (don't rake the small ones)
seeded, rolled and watered
3 weeks later nice lawn!!!

only problem now is i have to mow the bloody thing
Yep, spray with Roundup to kill everything off. Start fresh.

Rotovate after a couple of weeks and if the soil is good just spread and level your topsoil and sow your grass. Keep the grass seed moist until it shows. You'll have a nice grassy garden by the end of the Summer, if it ever comes.

Edit, just noticed you have an acre. Yikes, not as easy as it sounds above.

I did the same area last June but because of the work load I got someone in with the right equipment (excavator, dumper, stone picker, harrow, seed spreader etc) to do it.

And yes, when it's done, you will spend half of every weekend mowing the bloody thing.
Did something similar to my front a couple of years ago. Grassed out just over an acre. like yourself I had the high mounds of topsoil and weeds. Did what Surreal did . strimmed sprayed waited and then got next door neighbour with his digger to spread it all then he ploughed it up, then rotatavated and then had a gathering of brothers, sisters and nephews, nieces to come down and help rake it and and remove stones spread seed and then partied for rest of evening.
Word of advice though for an area of what your doing try and use a seed that does not grow too vigerous. I used number 2 and i get a good 1 and half hours walking behind my petrol driven mower once a week.
I have just completed a new house on nearly an acre of ground. I now want to look at tackling the garden but have no idea where to start. At the moment there is nothing but long grass & weed (growing longer as the summer progresses) and plenty of spare topsoil.

My question is, do I have to spray the entire area to kill all the grass as well as the weeds before I rotovate? And is there any point in doing this now or should I wait till next summer?

I had only half that size but I still pulled out the weeds then sprayed turned the soil add compost with the top soil and sowed the seed and after a year and alot of weekly cutting with a rotary lawn mower( I rolled it as well) I have a nearly pitch perfect putting area on my lawn. If you're prepped to do the work then you can get there
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