New law to close coffee shops, petrol stations supermarkets oh, and head shops.




According to wikipedia, a psychoactive drug, psychopharmaceutical or psychotropic is a chemical substance that crosses the blood-brain barrier and acts primarily upon the central nervous system where it alters brain function, resulting in changes in perception, mood, consciousness, cognition, and behavior.

This includes chemicals such as caffeine, alcohol, petrol and glue.
Looks like all the pubs will finally be shut down.
Wouldn't it be great if someone used this new law to close down the local pub just to show up Ahern?

BTW, Ahern is clueless as drugs don't cause the problem but prohibition does.
... BTW, Ahern is clueless as drugs don't cause the problem but prohibition does.
Any evidence / research to substantiate your opinion? Anecdotal (and other) evidence indicates that the two drugs that cause the majority of drug-related social, medical, psychological, familial and economic problems in Ireland are alcohol and tobacco, but neither of them is banned. Then again I could be wrong ...
I haven't heard of anyone mugging people or sleeping rough because of an addiction to coffee. I also haven't heard of someone being shot dead because they owed Starbucks for a latte, as opposed to the poor sod in Limerick who got executed last week because he couldn't pay his drug tab and whose father was told where to find his body in an unmarked grave.

I think this article gives a view on another aspect of head shops
[broken link removed]

I also know people who work in A&E who are delighted with the ban
Should ban fizzy drinks and cheap sweets too.... used make my toddlers and their friends hyper causing them to do a Keith Moon on our house during birthday parties. Should ban certain procreative mood music too among couples.... Pink Floyd's Dark Side Of The Moon... Barry White... Marvin Gaye.... Daniel O'Donnell (outside Dublin)... etc.
The point isn't whether or not there should be a ban, but rather that it's unenforceable.

(I've heard of plenty of people addicted to solvents, alcohol and tobacco who die because of it)
Maybe education is the answer, parents and parenting in this case
Should ban fizzy drinks and cheap sweets too.... used make my toddlers and their friends hyper causing them to do a Keith Moon on our house during birthday parties...
music appreciation and contraception in this one -
... Should ban certain procreative mood music too among couples.... Pink Floyd's Dark Side Of The Moon... Barry White... Marvin Gaye.... Daniel O'Donnell (outside Dublin)... etc.
although maybe we should look at long-term incarceration for purveyors and lovers of me-and-me-mammy music.